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At a glance - European Parliament

Reconciliation Commission Its general secretary is Ilyas El Omari The Istiqlal (Independence) Party (PI), founded in 1944, is the third biggest party Often critical of the ruling monarchy, it was the main political force in the struggle for the country's independence Its secretary-general is Hamid Chabat

At a glance - European Parliament

Hassan II's reign Its new general-secretary is Ilyas El Omari The Istiqlal ('Independence') Party (PI), founded in 1944, is the third biggest party and was the main political force in the struggle for the country's independence It was often critical of the ruling monarchy Its secretary-general is Hamid Chabat


stakeholders,» said Ilyas El Omari, President of Tangier Tetouan Al Hoceima Region The MedCOP Climate Tanger 2016 has adopted a charter which «constitutes a new framework for regional cooperation, involving all stakeholders in an open and ambitious idea,» climate governance of

7 decades into Indian democracy, a royal palace continues to

Aug 09, 2017 · Ilyas El Omari’s party was beaten by the ruling Islamists in Morocco’s legislative polls in October, but more than doubled its number of seats in the new parliament The PAM, formed in 2008 by

BUREAU VERITAS MAROC Contrôle fiscal Le jackpot inattendu

Ilyas El Omari aux commandes du PAM Voir De Bonnes Sources et page 35 Contrôle fiscal Editorial Le jackpot inattendu NUMERO 4693 - PRIX MAROC: 5 DH - FRANCE: 1 € - DEPOT LEGAL: 100/1991 - DIRECTEUR DE PUBLICATION: ABDELMOUNAIM DILAMI LE PREMIER QUOTIDIEN ECONOMIQUE DU MAROC

Moroccans vote amid worries about jobs, Islamic extremism

Oct 08, 2016 · lic spats with Ilyas El-Omari, head of the PAM This week, Benkirane slammed El-Omari for comments he made to The Associated Press suggesting that state-funded associations were among

BUREAU VERITAS MAROC Editorial Mines: Ménage dans

démission, actée, d’Ilyas El Omari du secrétariat général du PAM La première est à son avantage: voilà une personnalité politique qui semble avoir le courage de mettre en sourdine ses ambitions de pouvoir pour les mettre en concordance avec des circonstances nouvelles C’est un fait rare dans l’éco-

de Méditerranée pour le climat CLIMAT POUR LA MÉDITERRANÉE

Ilyas El Omari Président de la MedCOP Climat Tanger 2016, président de RégionTanger Tetouan El Hoceima Tous les jours rendez-vous de 14h00 à 17h30 dans l’Agora MedCOP Climat de l’espace société civile de la Zone Verte pour des présentations des 200 réseaux et organisations impliquées dans la MedCOP climat 2016 de Tanger ou sur le


A la suite des dernières élections Mr Ilyas El OMARI a été élu Président de la Région Tanger Tétouan Al Hoceima Ces nouvelles élections amènent également de nouveaux Président(e)s des commissions notamment Mme Salwa DEMNATI présidente de la commission de la coopération du partenariat et des marocains de

ENTREPRISES Aïn Dalia Le projet de zone industrielle chinoise

Ilyas El Omari, le président de la région Les dernières retouches sont en train d'être exécutées sur la maquette, qui de- vrait être finalisée dès la dernière semaine à la charge du groupe Dongfeng Yangtse Le spécialiste chinois compte investir plus d'un milliard de DH pour la réalisation de cette usine

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www.medcop-programme.org The 2 nd

MEDCOP Climate was held in Tangier under the

patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI who highlighted in his letter to the participants: " the Mediterranean will be undoubtedly one of the most affected regions in the world by the global warming [...]. Affected by the majority of the listed climate impacts, the Mediterranean will transform the necessary mitigation and adaptation measures into levers for an inclusive and prosperous sustainable development. Cradle of civilization, science and culture, it has always managed to innovate and challenge itself[...]. Today the Mediterranean must take the lead in building a new way of consumption and production, in innovating in the fight against climate change and more generally sustainable development». The initiative is today designed for the long term, under the leaders hip of the r egional authorities.

Sicily will host the MedCOP Climate 2017 and the

Governorate of Sousse in Tunisia in 2018.

"The regions and big cities should form the right level of intervent ion, thr ough their capabilities of direc t action, but also by their major role for the outreach of the territories and th e econom y stakeholders,» said Ilyas El Omari, Preside nt of

Tangier Tetouan Al Hoceima Region. The MedCOP

Climate Tanger 2016 has adopted a charter

which "constitutes a new framework for regional cooperation, involving all stakeholder s in an open and ambitious idea,» climate governance of territories» that can join the Presidents of regions and metropo lises. It aims to link more closely the fight ag ainst climate c hange, sustainable development goals (SDGs) and develo pment financing". The opening ceremony was held with the presence of

H.R.H Prince Moulay Rachid.

The Mediterr anean basin, "hot spot» of climate change, continues its efforts t o "speak with one voice». Tangier meeting of local and national elected officials, with enterprises, NGOs and scientists, has gathered more than 3,000 climate players from 25 countries. The forum was held one year after the initiative taken in Marseille by Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region. Over 200 organizations and networks, 250 speakers contributed directly to the collective achievement of the

Mediterranean agenda of climate solutions.

An enhanced role for the regions

Objectives of MedCOP ClimateTangier

18 and 19 July 2016

Set by Mrs Assia Bouzekri, President of the Steering Committee and Gilles Berhault,

President of the Program Committee:

• Bring a "Mediterranean voice» in climate negotiations which give their place to non-state actors. • Analyze how each initiative, each stakeholder, each of the actors' networks, can contribute to the implementation of an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), set out in COP21 agreement.

• Subscribe the Regions as are the cities (Covenant of Mayors) in "bottom-up» initiatives related to

the execution of the national and Mediterranean climate agenda and the implementation of the sustainable development objectives.

• Question as a group on developing a framework of actions and priorities around a common agenda,

with a monitoring process of the implementation.

• Making the multiple players' agendas compatible with the climate and development agenda, in the

context of the advanced scientific knowledge to promote synergies and avoid duplication of efforts.

• Benefit from the proliferation of initiatives, r eal wealth to be considered, but by encouraging

coalition groups so that the findings, currently ad hoc and fragmented around a set of actions, to lead aggregates of projects. • Encourage a stakeholders' collaboration, sharing means, through shared indicators. Please note, a very strong interest has been shown in Tangier for a constructive dialogue between stakeholders. How to imagine genuinely shared economic models? How to work for a better strength of operational skills as everyone's capacity? How to change all behaviors? How to accelerate the transition to a "green economy»?

The originality and specificity of MedCOP Climate

lie in the implementation of a global partnership of non-state actors involving ci tizens, alongside th e

States. These actions should build an action plan

for the implementation of initiatives and projects in synergy with the coastal States, the United Nations agencies and Inter-governmental institutions such as the OECD, the European Union, the Union for the Mediter ranean and their financial structures such as public development banks.

The objective of the MedCOP Climate was precisely

to develop a Mediterranean roadmap that should be a reference, innovates, helps to excel, to implement the necessary mitigation and adaptation measures for an inclu sive and prosperous sustainable development.

6 great debates, 10 co-production workshops,

7 major events, 10 side events, and also the many

direct contributions of networks, coalitions and involved organizations, he lped to develop the

Agenda of solutions.

The synthesis of these rich contributions to disco- ver on the website: www.medcop-programme.org

A wide variety of stakeholders

A "mapping of non-stat e Mediterr anean actors» was dev eloped. Rich and complex, it can be completed by all those involved players. It reflects the prolif eration of actors, involved in a variety of initiatives, both in South and North, East and

West. A number of segmented pr ograms with

a trans versal approach are covered. How ever, what should be considered as wealth sometimes creates competition between actor s and induces the proliferation of shares to areas of thematic and geographic interventions which are sometimes similar. It is therefore urgent to work on a common agenda to pool expertise and results for the service of a shared Mediterranean. Alliances were already formed. An operational networking, coordinated by a permanent secretariat hosted in Tangier in the

Mediterranean house of climate, will help to open

up initiatives and acceler ate the execution.


Achieving climate c ommitments and sustainable

development objectives in the Mediterranean for non-state actors as for state act ors requires considerable financial resources. The MedCOP

Climate Tangier 2016 was a first st ep to wards

cooperation between financial actors present in the

Mediterranean and action forces to set together a

"common MedCOP Finance action plan ". Support for projects should contribute directly to the 2030

Agenda of the United Nations as one of the global

objectives of sustainabl e de velopment.

Societal priorities

The 2016 Climate MedCOP has dedicated extensive

debates to the theme of "Human Mobility, climate justice and solidarities.» Human mobility is a right, a claim. It is not onl y f or refugees chased from their homes by war, economic, climate migrants, but also for the tourists, the retir ees, the activ e and of course all young people keen to "discover the world» and to exchange. Mobility dynamics are

South / North, South / South, between countryside

and cities, betw een the y oung from Universities.

Mobility contributes to the knowledge exchange.

Moreover, the current crisis asylum and the

emergence of the issue of climate displac ed population are taking place in a global context characterized on the one hand, by the amplification of South / North migration and South / South movements and by the vivacity of contr over sial debates on the destiny of immigrant communities settled permanently in the North.

The MedCOP 2016 of Tangier was also the time of

"the young's power» awareness.

More than a hundr ed young actors from all the

Mediterranean countries, affected by climate,

met in Tangier at the eve of the MedCOP Climate.

They decided to create a network of exchange, The

Mediterranean Youth Climate Forum (MYCF). They

drafted a charter of values to share.

Over 60 networks of women gathered in Tangier

have initiated the cr eation of the " W omen

Network Facing Climate Change Challenges in

the Mediterranean (RFFDCC),» the creation of the

Preparatory Commission has gathered all women,

men and or ganizations present at the MedCOP

Climate Tanger 2016 and who wish to join it.

Africa and climate

Africa has also been at the heart of discussions at the MedCOP Climate. And Tangier was an opportunity for organizers of the futur e COP 22 in Marrakech to confirm that it will be "a COP of action, and specially action for Africa». About thirty

African media were present in Tangier.

• Create a network of green universities concerned by a research useful for society and the common good. • Organize platforms for resilience-building projects of the 22 Mediterranean countries thanks to the support of the World Environment Fund and the World Bank. • The signing of a cooperation agreement, supported by the Minister of New Caledonia Anthony Lecreen, for "an ocean alliance» with the objective of a support to Morocco by the 19 island states of Oceania 22 during the COP22. • Creating a home of T angier Climat e where will be based a permanent secretariat, a network of experts from the Mediterr anean and other initiatives. • Improve the scientific cooperation

1. COMMITMENTS: Continue to make commitments

and record them on platforms like NAZCA

2. AMBITIONS: Zero carbon and zero waste

objectives, regenerated biodiversity, improved health, wellbeing for all.

3. ACCOUNTABILITY: Measure, Check, Notify, to

progress together and create a virtuous circle.

4. FUNDING: develop a Climate and Mediterranean

financial strategy


commitments of the different territory levels by supporting the Mediterranean Covenant of Mayors and by encouraging the signing of the regions


6. GIVE MORE POWER TO THE YOUNG: encourage the

young who have the power to shake up the market.


widely open to all those in Africa who wish to be associated to it.

8. SKILLS AND TALENTS: to ensure capacity building,

mobilizing talents in a technological, economic and social innovation approach.

9. ELIGIBILITY: accelerate behavior changes, find a common post carbon imagination.

10. STAY CONNECTED: ensure a link between 300 networks and organizations and the 3,000




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