Biophysics at upenn

  • The department offers mixed undergraduate and graduate courses in modern optics, condensed matter physics, and nuclear and elementary particle physics, special and general relativity, and astrophysics.
    And for the really ambitious student, there is the entire set of first-year graduate courses from which to choose.
Bridging the biological sciences and the physical sciences, Biophysics is concerned with physical and chemical explanations of living processes, especially at the cellular and molecular levels.
The Penn Undergraduate Biophysics Major Is designed to provide education in depth in the physical sciences in association with an understanding of biological phenomena and problems, and to provide the background necessary for understanding the sophisticated methods of contemporary biophysical and biomedical research.

Who is the professor of Physics at Penn University?

PennFacultyin Biophysics Penn Biochemistryand Molecular BiophysicsGraduate Group Program Director:

  • Dr.
    Philip Nelson Professor of Physics 2N8 David Rittenhouse Laboratory 215-898-7001 FAX:215-898-2010 .

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