Chiropractic biophysics before and after

  • What are chiropractic BioPhysics techniques?

    The technique combines traction with the chiropractic adjustment, specific exercises and focused stretching.
    These therapies are made just for you, based off of the unique shape of your spine.
    The combination of traction, exercise, and adjustments produces measurable changes to the shape of your spine.Jan 23, 2018.

  • What happens to your body after a chiropractic adjustment?

    After the procedure
    Some people experience minor side effects for a few days after chiropractic adjustment.
    These may include headaches, fatigue or pain in the parts of the body that were treated..

  • Where did chiropractic come from?

    Chiropractic care dates back to 1895.
    The name comes from the Greek word meaning "done by hand." However, the roots of the profession can be traced back to the beginning of recorded time.
    Chiropractic was developed by Daniel David Palmer, a self-taught healer in Davenport, Iowa..

  • Calling chiropractic care a medicinal pseudoscience means claiming that the treatment process is not based on research and that the supposed health benefits are not actually related to chiropractic adjustments.
    However, that is not true.
  • Chiropractic BioPhysics \xae or CBP\xae Technique is a method of analyzing, treating, and restoring a persons spine to the correct posture.
    In the simplest terms it can be described as an "orthodontist" for your spine.
    The doctor in both cases are moving bone through soft tissue to create a new shape.
  • In fact, the CBP foundation conducts the most research that is published in scientifically valid journals (pub-med) than any other chiropractic certifications.
    Thus, it is one of the most scientifically supported and validated chiropractic treatment protocols for providing long term pain relief and beyond.
On the right is the CBP Mirror Image adjustment. The posture is placed in its opposite position and then a Chiropractic adjustment is performed.

How do I relax after a chiropractic adjustment?

Try to get into a relaxed, calm state of being.
The ultimate goal is for patients to be in a state of being that’s “accepting” of the adjustments a chiropractor will make.
For example, proper hydration will allow for muscle support after adjustments are made, while taking a short walk will loosen up the spine for easier adjustment.

What is Chiropractic biophysics?

Chiropractic BioPhysics, or CBP, is one of the most scientific, researched, and results-oriented corrective care techniques.
CBP-trained chiropractors aim to realign the spine back to health, eliminating nerve interference and addressing the source of pain, fatigue, and disease.


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