Biosafety risk assessment who

  • Who is responsible in assessing all potential risk in the laboratory?

    The primary responsibility for proper hazard evaluations and risk assessments lies with the person performing the experiment.
    That being said, the responsibility is shared by the laboratory supervisor..

  • Risk assessment factors include the agent's pathogenicity (ability to cause infection) and virulence (the severity of disease), the infectious dose, the availability of prophylaxis, communicability, and stability within the environment.
Biosafety Risk Assessment, which helps to identify the probability and consequences of infection, is used to ensure that all people potentially exposed to biohazards have an awareness of the potential risk.

What is who Biosafety Risk Assessment & Guidelines?

WHO biosafety risk assessment and guidelines for the production and quality control of human infl uenza pandemic vaccines This document provides guidance to national regulatory authorities and vaccine manufacturers on the safe production and quality control of human infl uenza vaccines produced in response to a threatened pandemic.


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