Uiuc biosafety

  • 59.7% (2021)University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign / Acceptance rate
  • How safe is University of Illinois Urbana Champaign?

    According to the University's crime log, over 240 crimes have been committed on or near campus in November and October.
    However, in comparison to other Big Ten schools, the University has had lower crime rates of weapon possession, sexual assault and burglaries according to a 2021-22 school year summary..

  • Is UIUC a safe campus?

    We have a very safe campus, but no community is entirely crime free.
    We offer a number of resources to empower you to look out for yourself and others.
    Start by reviewing the safety tips outlined by our Police Department..

  • What is the purpose of the UIUC?

    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is charged by our state to enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation and around the world through our leadership in learning, discovery, engagement and economic development..

  • What is UIUC acceptance rate?

    59.7% (2021)University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign / Acceptance rate.

  • What is UIUC most known for?

    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign comprises 15 colleges and schools.
    Its School of Information Sciences, College of Engineering and Department of Psychology are among the best in the country.
    The school's College of Business, College of Education and College of Law are also highly ranked..

  • What materials require registration on campus UIUC?

    Materials Requiring Registration
    Transgenic animals (use or creation); Transgenic plants; Pathogens (human, animal, or plant); Human materials *(cell lines; blood, blood products, tissues, any bodily fluid);.

  • What's special about UIUC?

    A talented and highly respected faculty is the university's most significant resource.
    Many are recognized for exceptional scholarship with memberships in such organizations as the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Academy of Engineering..

  • Materials Requiring Registration
    Transgenic animals (use or creation); Transgenic plants; Pathogens (human, animal, or plant); Human materials *(cell lines; blood, blood products, tissues, any bodily fluid);
  • Routes of Exposure
    inhalation, 2. direct contact with skin or mucous membranes, 3. ingestion, and 4. injection.
  • The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign comprises 15 colleges and schools.
    Its School of Information Sciences, College of Engineering and Department of Psychology are among the best in the country.
    The school's College of Business, College of Education and College of Law are also highly ranked.
To protect faculty, staff, students, and the public from potential hazards associated with the use of Biological Materials and organisms and to ensure the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign complies with laws and regulations on safe use of Biological Materials.
Purpose. To protect faculty, staff, students, and the public from potential hazards associated with the use of Biological Materials and organisms and to ensure the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign complies with laws and regulations on safe use of Biological Materials.

IBC Approval

An IBC project is valid for 5 years.
DRS will send reminders to review and update if no changes have been made for 12 months.
Major updates/amendments may require to be re-reviewed by the IBC however the approval date will not change.

Materials Requiring Registration

All work with materials requiring registration must be approved by the IBC prior to initiation.
The following materials require registration with the IBC:.
1) Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (even work that is exempt from the NIH guidelines must be registered*);.
2) Transgenic animals (use or creation);.
3) Transgenic plants;.
4) Pathog.

Registration, Projects and Numbering

All materials, facilities and personnel are found at the registration level and must be assigned to an individual project, even if you only have one project.
Individual projects under that registration are submitted for review and receive approval dates.
Each PI will be assigned one IBC registration number that will not change.
Projects are identif.

Required Training

Required Training for work with Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids

Review Process

Once a project is submitted for review, you will receive an email confirming receipt.
In most cases,* the project will be assigned to a panel of faculty reviewers who will review the project to verify your risk assessment for the proposed work.
Once submitted for review, the project will be locked.
The next step is the question and answer period wh.

Submission Deadlines/Meeting Schedule

The IBC meets once per month as per the following schedule.
Complete project information must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the submission deadline date before the meeting at which your project will be reviewed.

Tips For Completing/Managing Registrations

Provide enough detail to allow IBC reviewers to understand the risk elements in the context of the research so they can verify that the proposed safety measures are sufficient.

What does the Institutional Biosafety Committee do?

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) advises on matters relating to the safe handling, transport, use, and disposal of biological materials, including:

  • recombinant DNA and synthetic nucleic acid molecules
  • on the Urbana campus.
    The committee reports to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation.
  • What is animal biosafety & biosecurity?

    The procedures and containment used for animal biosafety and biosecurity are useful in the maintenance of all animals that may naturally harbor or are experimentally infected with human and/or animal pathogens including:

  • many zoonotic infectious agents or biotoxins.
    The Urbana-Champaign campus has facilities for ABL-1 and ABL-2 experiments.
  • What is biosafety & why is it important?

    Biosafety is a discipline that uses safe practices, administrative procedures, protective equipment, and facility design to eliminate or reduce exposure to biohazardous organisms, and their products, and is guided by two main principles:

  • containment and risk assessment.
  • What is Biosafety Level 2 guide?

    Biosafety Level 2 Guide This guide is designed for laboratories working with biological materials requiring biosafety level 2 (BL- 2) containment and practices.
    The BL-2 guide is intended to be used alongside the Laboratory Safety Guide (LSG) and act as training tools in a comprehensive laboratory safety plan.


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