About botany course

  • Plant Science courses

    Botanists have uncovered the mechanisms of photosynthesis, discovered and classified countless new plant species, and pioneered new methods of plant cultivation.
    Today, botany is an immensely important field with applications in agriculture, conservation, and medicine..

Botany is a branch of biology which is the in-depth, scientific study of plants life and their structures, properties, along with its characteristics and features. Botany includes the study of all plant-like living organisms including algae, fungi, ferns, mosses and actual plants as its basic focus.
They will teach you all about the life of plants and how they grow. They are designed for beginners and intermediate-level learners who want to learn more about plants and their environment. Botany courses are essential for those who want to pursue careers in plant science or ecology fields.


About botany department
About botany study
About botany bay
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About botany in tamil
About botany classification
About botany zoology
About botany ecology
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Botany after hours
Botany after hours medical
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Botanical afternoon tea