Community health studies department dut

  • How many campuses does DUT have?

    It has five campuses in Durban, and two in Pietermaritzburg..

  • What are the departments in DUT?

    DUT has six Faculties, Accounting and Informatics, Applied Sciences, Management Sciences, Engineering and the Built Environment, Health Sciences and Arts& Design..

  • What are the departments of DUT?

    DUT has six Faculties, Accounting and Informatics, Applied Sciences, Management Sciences, Engineering and the Built Environment, Health Sciences and Arts& Design..

  • Professor Gugu Mchunu is the Executive Dean in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology (DUT).
    She holds a PhD in Health Sciences (UKZN) and has more than 20 years' experience in the academic sector.
    She has worked as an Occupational Health Nurse and as a Primary Care Nurse.
  • The programme consists of a 4-year Bachelors of Health Sciences degree in Environmental Health, Master of Health Sciences in Environmental Health and Doctor of Environmental Health.


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