Competition law cases in india

  • What is the competition law in New India?

    Section 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 prohibits any person or enterprise from entering into a combination which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within the relevant market in India and if such a combination is formed, it shall be void..

Jan 6, 202310 Landmark Competition Law Case Laws | 2022 | Expert Analysis and Explanations.

Does India need a Competition Commission?

Finance Minister, Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman suggested Competition Commission of India take extra care to ensure the market process is not undermined:

  • This recommendation comes off as against a backdrop of the Covid situation India has been confronting from the last year during which many businesses have gone awry and bankrupt.
  • What has happened in competition law in India in 2022?

    The year 2022 was a landmark year for competition law in India as the Competition Commission of India passed key orders which will be pivotal to the development of competition law jurisprudence.
    A diagrammatic overview of the key developments in the competition law sphere in India is given below:

  • 1.
  • Which year was a landmark year for competition law in India?

    The year 2022 was a landmark year for competition law in India as the Competition Commission of India passed key orders which will be pivotal to the development of competition law jurisprudence.
    A diagrammatic overview of the key developments in the competition law sphere in India is given below:

  • 1.
  • Why did Karnataka High Court decide to let Competition Commission of India investigate?

    The Karnataka High Court believed that the companies must let Competition Commission of India investigate into the issues if they are optimistic of being non-guilty.
    Competition Commission of India incriminates Amazon with burying facts in the Future Coupon deal[ii] .

    How competition law has changed in India in 2022?


    1 The year 2022 saw some major regulatory developments in competition law in India

    The existing competition law framework is set to undergo a major overhaul to ensure the provisions of the Act are in line with the current market realities and international best practices

    What is the role of Competition Commission of India?

    The Competition Commission of India takes care of most of the fortuitous trade deals, antitrust deals, and business of anti-competition in nature

    It has been a key factor in reducing Corruption within the system of India

    Which year was a landmark year for competition law in India?

    The year 2022 was a landmark year for competition law in India as the Competition Commission of India passed key orders which will be pivotal to the development of competition law jurisprudence

    A diagrammatic overview of the key developments in the competition law sphere in India is given below: 1


    Indian social issue

    Gambling in India varies by state; states in India are entitled to formulate their own laws for gambling activities.
    Some states like Goa have legalised casinos.
    Common gambling activities like organized betting are restricted except for selective categories including lottery and horse racing.


    Competition law climate change & environmental sustainability
    Competition law and data
    Competition law and digital economy
    Competition law and distribution agreements
    Competition law and democracy
    Competition law and digital era
    Competition law and dominance
    Competition law dos and don'ts
    Competition policy and data protection
    Competition law and policy debate
    Competition law and sustainable development
    Competition law advantages and disadvantages
    Competition law and environmental protection
    Competition law and economic inequality
    Competition law and exclusivity agreements
    Competition law and economic regulation
    Competition law and energy sector
    Competition law and employment
    Competition law and energy
    Competition policy and economics