Competition law and policy debate

  • What are the aims of competition policy?

    Competition policy is about applying rules to make sure businesses and companies compete fairly with each other.
    This encourages enterprise and efficiency, creates a wider choice for consumers and helps reduce prices and improve quality..

  • Competition Law & Policy Debate (CLPD) is a quarterly journal focusing on major developments in Mergers, Cartels, Antitrust (Art. 101/102 other than cartels) and State Aid.
    CLPD contains articles of academic value but written in an approachable style to address practical questions and suggest solutions to new issues.

Are legal rules necessary in competition cases in Europe?

Many competition cases decided in Europe are guided by the Freiburg School’s twin beliefs that legal rules are necessary to constrain the economic power of large firms, while at the same time, governments should not be given blanket control to police market behavior ( Gerber, 2001).

Are tech firms at risk if they don't comply with competition laws?

As competition policy grows in jurisdictions that are major trading partners with the US, American firms are at risk if they do not update their business practices to comply.
Major tech firms are fined for violating competition laws with a fair amount of frequency.

What is the UK competition law based on?

The prohibitions in the UK law on abuse of dominant position and anti-competitive agreements were based on and underpinned by equivalent provisions in EU law ( UK Parliament, 2021).
A key feature of the UK competition regime is the concurrent powers held by different sectoral regulators for the enforcement of competition rules.

Who enforces Canada's competition law?

The law is enforced by the Competition Bureau, while cases are adjudicated by the Competition Tribunal.
Apart from traditional antitrust offenses like price-fixing, bid-rigging, and abuse of dominance, Canada’s competition law includes ,prohibitions on deceptive marketing practices, deceptive telemarketing, and pyramid schemes.

Where did competition law come from?

The origin of modern competition law can be seen at the end of the 19thcentury in the United States

Transportation, manufacturing and communication industries developed substantially and started exploiting the economies which led to decreased prices and an unstable market

Why is there a debate about EU competition law?

The main reason is that the debate regarding goals of competition law is not limited to EU competition law; in fact, EU competition policy has been heavily influenced by different schools of thought originating in the US

Initial stage of a competitive, academic debate

In debate, which is a form of argument competition, a case, sometimes known as plan, is a textual advocacy presented, in form of speech, by the Pro team as a normative or should statement; it is generally presented in the First Pro Constructive (1AC).
A case will often include either the resolution or a rephrasing of it.

A type of high school debate

Public forum debate is a widespread form of middle and high school competitive debate which centers on current events and relies on both logic and evidence to construct arguments.
Invented in the US, Public Forum is one of the most prominent American debate events, alongside policy debate and Lincoln-Douglas debate; it is also practiced in China and India, and has been recently introduced to Romania.
Individuals give short speeches that are interspersed with 3 minute Crossfire sections, questions and answers between opposed debaters.
The winner is determined by a judge who also serves as a referee.
The debate centers on advocating or rejecting a position, resolve, or resolution
, which is usually a proposal of a potential solution to a current events issue.
Public Forum is designed to be accessible to the average citizen.
Topicality is a stock issue in policy debate which pertains to whether or not the plan affirms the resolution as worded.
To contest the topicality of the affirmative, the negative interprets a word or words in the resolution and argues that the affirmative does not meet that definition, that the interpretation is preferable, and that non-topicality should be a voting issue.


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World competition law and economics review
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Competition law firms
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