Competition law and economic regulation

  • What is the purpose of economic regulation?

    The main scope for government's regulation is to prevent markets' failures, in other words, situations in which markets do not efficiently organize production or allocate goods and services to consumers (as in the presence of a monopoly/dominant firm)..

  • Examples of competition policy in action

    1. De-regulation - laws to reduce monopoly power.
    2. Preventing mergers/acquisitions that create a monopoly.
    3. Privatisation - transferring ownership.
    4. Stock market floatation of the Royal Mail.
    5. Tough laws on anti-competitive behaviour
    6. Reductions in import controls
Contents1 - Introduction. pp 1-682 - Competition law as regulation. pp 69-1383 - Regulation, deregulation and the space for competition law. pp 139-186.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Online publication date: March 2015; Print publication year: 2015; Online ISBN: 9781107707481 
Shaping markets through competition and economic regulation is at the heart of addressing the development challenges facing countries in southern Africa.

Are competition law and economic regulation legal mechanisms of market control?

Add bookmark Niamh Dunne undertakes a systematic exploration of the relationship between competition law and economic regulation as legal mechanisms of market control.

I. Introduction

The relationship between competition law and sector-specific economic regulation is complex, multi-faceted and often controversial.
The liberalization of many formerly regulated markets had the effect of bringing such sectors, which often contain significant natural monopoly components, within the potential ambit of the competition rules.
In certai.

III. The Utility of Hybridized Approaches to Market Regulation

The rationale for adopting hybridized approaches to market control, pitched between the conventional models of competition law and regulation, can be explained by reference to two relatively uncontroversial truisms of the market regulatory enterprise: first, that market-based mechanisms are preferred where possible, and second, that regulation neve.

IV. Market Investigations by The UK Competition Commission

An archetypal example of a fully hybridized approach to market supervision, which combines elements from competition and regulation at both the analytical and remedial stages, is found within UK law.
EA 2002 provides a market review power that enables the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to conduct market investigations to determine whether .

v. Sector Inquiries in The European Union

Market investigations illustrate a hybridized approach to market control in arguably its most complete form.
Sector inquiries by the European Commission, by contrast, involve a quasi-hybridized power that enables the Commission to perform market-wide analyses of the functioning of competition within a particular industry, incorporating both competi.

VI. Concretizing Competition Principles: Access to Infrastructure Regulation

The next example of a hybridized approach to be considered involves use of distinct statutory provisions to supply a formalized legal framework for application of discrete competition law principles.
Typically, the competition rules that prohibit anticompetitive concerted and unilateral conduct are formulated at a generalized and abstract level, pr.

VII. Section 5 of The FTCA

Finally, we turn to consider section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA), a stand-alone legislative provision that, apparently, provides public enforcers with a broad power of market regulation that potentially spans the boundary between competition law and regulation.
Section 5 is an especially interesting example for our purposes, howeve.

Which is the best book on regulation competition and liberalisation?

Armstrong, Mark & Sappington, David E.M. ( 2006) ‘ Regulation, Competition and Liberalisation ’. 44 ( 2) Journal of Economic Literature:

  • 325.
    Arrow, Kenneth J. ( 1962) ‘ Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention ’.
    In:Nelson, Richard R. (ed.) The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity:Economic and Social Factors.
  • Which is the best book on unilateral conduct in competition law?

    Abbott, Alden F. ( 2011) ‘ A Tale of Two Cities:

  • Brussels
  • Washington
  • and the Assessment of Unilateral Conduct ’. 56 Antitrust Bulletin:103.
    Ackermann, Thomas ( 2010) ‘ Vodafone:Price Regulation as a Substitute for Intervention under Article 102 TFEU ’. 1 ( 5) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice:426.
  • Are competition law and economic regulation legal mechanisms of market control?

    Add bookmark Niamh Dunne undertakes a systematic exploration of the relationship between competition law and economic regulation as legal mechanisms of market control

    How does regulation affect competition enforcement?

    On the other hand, the existence of regulation typically has an impact not only on whether competition enforcement can occur at all, but, where competition enforcement is possible, also on the types of cases that are brought and the concerns they address

    Further, regulation law and competition often borrow from one another

    Where does European competition law come from?

    European competition law today derives mostly from articles 101 to 109 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), as well as a series of Regulations and Directives


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