Competition act was enacted in the year mcq

It replaced the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1969. It was passed by Parliament in 2002 and received the assent of the President in 2003.
The Competition Act, 2002 was enacted by the Parliament of India and governs Indian competition law. It replaced the archaic The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969.

How does the Competition Act work?

The Act is largely based on UK competition legislation, which is itself heavily influenced by the European Commission regime2.
The Act adopts an outcome-based approach, focusing on the economic impact of the conduct rather than the conduct itself.
It does so by focusing on the following three areas:.

What is Section 19(1)(a) of the Competition Act?

The present information under section 19(1)(a) of the Competition Act, 2002 („the Act‟) was filed by Indian Exhibition Industry Association („the informant‟) against Ministry of Commerce & Industry („OP 1‟) and Indian Trade Promotion Organization („OP 2‟/ ITPO) alleging inter aliacontravention of the provisions of section 4 of the Act.

What is the age limit of chairperson of Competition Commission?

Q.25:- Office holding term and Age limit of Chairperson of Competition Commission is:

  • Appointed for a term of 5 years however maximum age limit of 67.
    Appointed for a term of 5 years however maximum age limit of 65.
    Appointed for a term of 5 years however maximum age limit of 64.
    Appointed for a term of 5 years however maximum age limit of 62.
  • When was the Competition Act 2002 enacted?

    nAs a sequel to the Report of the Committee, the Competition Act, 2002 was enacted and notified in January, 2003.
    Establishment of Competition Commission of India Competition Act 2002 provides for establishment .


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