Competition policy objectives

  • What are the objectives of EU competition policy?

    Economic and monetary union, taxation and competition policies.
    The main objective of the EU competition rules is to enable the proper functioning of the EU's internal market as a key driver for the well-being of EU citizens, businesses and society as a whole..

  • What are the objectives of EU competition policy?

    Economic and monetary union, taxation and competition policies.
    The main objective of the EU competition rules is to enable the proper functioning of the EU's internal market as a key driver for the well-being of EU citizens, businesses and society as a whole.Mar 31, 2023.

  • What is the goal of competition?

    The goal of competition is to win, that is true.
    But winning is not the purpose of competing.
    The purpose of competing, the true reason why we compete is because competition brings out the very best in each other..

  • What is the objective of the competition policy?

    Most jurisdictions have embraced some form of the consumer welfare standard to achieve the basic goals of competition: to maintain and encourage the process of competition in order to promote efficient use of resources while protecting the freedom of economic action of various market participants..

  • Competition policy basically covers: A set of policies that promote competition in local and national markets, for example policies to eliminate restrictive trade practices, favour market entry and exit, reduce unnecessary governmental interventions and put greater reliance on market forces; and.
  • Definition.
    Competition policy governs how businesses interact with both consumers and each other.
    A country's competition policy is the sum of its competition laws, which proscribe anti-competitive behaviour, and the effect that its public policy may have on competitive processes in the economy.
  • The goal of competition is to win, that is true.
    But winning is not the purpose of competing.
    The purpose of competing, the true reason why we compete is because competition brings out the very best in each other.

Competition Policy Tools

Broadly speaking, the EU competition policy toolbox includes rules on antitrust, merger control, State aid, and public undertakings and services.
The antitrust branch aims at restoring competitive conditions, should improper behaviour by companies (e.g. the formation of cartels or abuse of dominance) cause distortions of competition.
The preventive.


The fundamental objective of EU competition rules is to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market.
Effective competition enables businesses to compete on equal terms across Member States, while at the same time incentivising them to strive continuously to offer the best possible products at the best possible prices for consumers.
This, i.


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