Competition law legal certainty


    The principle of legal certainty is a general principle of EU law, which aims to ensure that situations and legal relationships governed by EU law remain foreseeable..

  • What is legal certainty in EU law?

    The principle of legal certainty is a general principle of EU law, which aims to ensure that situations and legal relationships governed by EU law remain foreseeable..

  • What is the difference between predictability and certainty?

    Legal predictability denotes the capability to foresee the potential legal outcomes of an action, based on existing laws, regulations, and judicial precedents.
    Conversely, legal certainty guarantees that laws are clear, publicized, consistently applied, and remain stable over time..

  • What is the legal certainty principle of the EU law?

    In European Union law the general principle of legal certainty prohibits Ex post facto laws, i.e. laws should not take effect before they are published.
    The general principle also requires that sufficient information must be made public to enable parties to know what the law is and comply with it..

  • What is the legal definition of certainty?

    What does Legal certainty mean? The principle requires that the law must be clear, precise and unambiguous, and its legal implications foreseeable.
    The law must be worded in a way that it is clearly understandable by those who are subject to it..

  • What is the principle of certainty in criminal law?

    It is conventional legal wisdom that a person should not be charged with or convicted of a criminal offence that they did not and could not have known existed at the time when they allegedly committed it.
    This is known as the "certainty principle"..

  • In this regard, it is noted that the principle of legitimate expectations “aims to protect legitimate dispositions of individuals from changing assessments of the legal situation (administration) and changes in the legal framework (legislature)”.
  • Legal predictability denotes the capability to foresee the potential legal outcomes of an action, based on existing laws, regulations, and judicial precedents.
    Conversely, legal certainty guarantees that laws are clear, publicized, consistently applied, and remain stable over time.
Aug 17, 2016A benchmark to ensure the principle of legal certainty is respected by competition agencies with ruling functions at the administrative level 

How can legal certainty be ensured in the relationship between competition authorities and judiciaries?

If legal certainty is to be ensured in the relationship between competition authorities and judiciaries, substantive (calculation of fines) and procedural (standard of proof and other aspects) law considerations should be noted in assessments.
Such aspects are reviewed in the following paragraphs.

I. Introduction

This article comments on the General Court’s (GC) judgment in Google Shopping1from the perspective of the relationship between rules and individual cases, and between pre-existing law and administrative and judicial discretion.
Legal philosophers and theorists have long debated the question of how rules relate to the facts of individual cases to wh.

II. A Dynamic-Positivist Perspective on Legal Decision-Making

The separation of legislative and judicial authority has long been theorised and justified by reference to their respective spheres of legitimate decision-making.
The task of courts, on the conventional view, is first to identify the relevant law, and second, to interpret and apply it.11 This conventional view tends to rely on a specific type of le.

III. Google Shopping as Merits-Based Reasoning According to Law

The abovementioned theoretical overview is, of course, highly abstract.
This section aims to show how the GC’s judgment in Google Shopping is largely based on a dynamic-positivist understanding of the Commission’s discretion in applying Article 102 TFEU.
It is positivist in the sense that the merits-based reasoning in Google Shoppingmoves beyond th.

IV. The Legitimacy of Reasoning According to Law

As noted above, the distinction between law-making and law-application is deeply engrained in many jurisdictions, including that of the European Union.
Koen Lenearts, for instance, emphasised the importance of the judiciary’s ‘external legitimacy’, which depends on the separation of law and politics.83 More generally, the EU courts’ case law tends .

What is legal certainty?

Legal certainty is a fundamental principle of the rule of law, recognized by most jurisdictions around the world.

What is the significance of formal rule of law for competition law?

Table 1. the significance of the formal rule of law for competition law I:

  • Comprehensible Laws II:
  • Generalised Laws of Equal Application III:
  • Judicial Review and Adjudication –Political significance:
  • meaningful exercise of freedom
  • ability to rationally plan
  • attribution of responsibility for illegality.

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