Compiler design lab manual jntuh r18

What is the syllabus of JNTU Hyderabad 23?

R18 B.Tech.
CSE Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD 23 Recursion:

  • Simple programs
  • such as :
  • Finding Factorial
  • Fibonacci series etc., Limitations of Recursive functions Dynamic memory allocation:Allocating and freeing memory, Allocating memory for arrays of different data types UNIT - V:Introduction to Algorithms:.
  • Why should a computer scientist have a compiler design lab?

    Every computer scientist can do much better if have knowledge of compilers apart from the domain and technical knowledge.
    Compiler design lab provides deep understanding of how programming language Syntax, Semantics are used in translation into machine equivalents apart from the knowledge of various compiler generation tools like LEX,YACC etc.


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