Design compiler library setup time

  • .
    1. Required Time = Clock Period - Setup Time (of Flip-Flop R2)
    2. Arrival Time = CKu219
    3. Q Delay (of flip-flop R1) + Comb
    4. As to be set in SDC Constraint, Input Delay = CKu219
    5. Q Delay (of flip-flop R1) + Comb
    6. Arrival Time = Input Delay + Comb
    7. To meet setup time constraint, Required Time ⋝ Arrival Time
  • How do you calculate setup time and hold time?


    1. Required Time = Clock Period - Setup Time (of Flip-Flop R2)
    2. Arrival Time = CKu219
    3. Q Delay (of flip-flop R1) + Comb
    4. As to be set in SDC Constraint, Input Delay = CKu219
    5. Q Delay (of flip-flop R1) + Comb
    6. Arrival Time = Input Delay + Comb
    7. To meet setup time constraint, Required Time ⋝ Arrival Time

  • What is library setup time?

    Both setup and hold time for a flip-flop is specified in the library. 12.1.
    Setup Time.
    Setup Time is the amount of time the synchronous input (D) must show up, and be stable before the capturing edge of clock.
    This is so that the data can be stored successfully in the storage device..

  • What is set up time?

    Setup time is the interval needed to adjust the settings on a machine, so that it is ready to process a job.
    Shortening the amount of setup time is critical for engaging in short production runs, so that a business can more easily engage in just-in-time production..

  • What is setup time and hold time in VLSI design?

    Setup time is the minimum amount of time before the clock edge that the data input must be stable, while hold time is the minimum amount of time after the clock edge that the data input must remain stable.
    These are defined by the characteristics of the flip-flops or latches that capture the data..

  • What is the difference between setup time and hold time?

    Setup Time is the time the input data signals are stable (either high or low) before the active clock edge occurs.
    Hold Time is the time the input data signals are stable (either high or low) after the active clock edge occurs..

  • What is the setup time of data?

    Setup time is the minimum amount of time before the clock edge that the data input must be stable, while hold time is the minimum amount of time after the clock edge that the data input must remain stable.
    These are defined by the characteristics of the flip-flops or latches that capture the data..

  • Why is setup time needed?

    Setup time is the required time duration that the input data MUST be stable before the triggering-edge of the clock.
    If data is changing within this setup time window, the input data might be lost and not stored in the flip-flop as metastability might occur..

  • Setup time (tS) describes the point in time data must be at a valid logic level relative to the DAC clock transition.
    Hold time (tH), on the other hand, specifies when the data can change after it has been captured/sampled by the device.
  • Setup time is the interval needed to adjust the settings on a machine, so that it is ready to process a job.
    Shortening the amount of setup time is critical for engaging in short production runs, so that a business can more easily engage in just-in-time production.
  • Setup time is the minimum amount of time before the clock edge that the data input must be stable, while hold time is the minimum amount of time after the clock edge that the data input must remain stable.
    These are defined by the characteristics of the flip-flops or latches that capture the data.
Jun 18, 2020Here's a good post explaining what setup and hold are: The library setup and hold times are generally in the library (.db or .lib) and are calculated the same  [SOLVED] - Design Compiler vs. Prime Time: Setup Violationstiming results inconsistency when using Synopsys design compilerquestion about slow.lib and fast.lib on Design CompilerTiming Violation after load added in Design Compiler reportMore results from
Jun 18, 2020Here's a good post explaining what setup and hold are: The library setup and hold times are generally in the library (.db or .lib) and are calculated the same  [SOLVED] - Design Compiler vs. Prime Time: Setup Violationstiming results inconsistency when using Synopsys design compilerquestion about slow.lib and fast.lib on Design CompilerRegarding Design Compiler | Forum for ElectronicsMore results from
Jun 18, 2020Here's a good post explaining what setup and hold are: The library setup and hold times are generally in the library (.db or .lib) and are calculated the same  [SOLVED] - Design Compiler vs. Prime Time: Setup Violationstiming results inconsistency when using Synopsys design compilerquestion about slow.lib and fast.lib on Design CompilerHow are the setup and hold time values calculated for a dflipflop?More results from
Jun 18, 2020The library setup and hold times are generally in the library (.db or .lib) and are calculated the same way as propagation delays: from a 2D lookup table of  [SOLVED] - Design Compiler vs. Prime Time: Setup Violationstiming results inconsistency when using Synopsys design compilerquestion about slow.lib and fast.lib on Design CompilerTiming Violation after load added in Design Compiler reportMore results from


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