Design compiler convert lib to db

  • db - Technology Library.
    This is a compiled version of *. lib in Synopsys database format. *. plib - Physical Library source file.
  • db formatted library where all the cells are in a single binary file.
    With a . db library, the entire library has to be read into memory.
    In the Milkyway Environment, the Synopsys tool loads the library data relevant to the design as needed, reducing memory usage.
db is Synopsys' database format) for compiled libraries/designs. In order to convert liberty files (. lib) to . db format, use library compiler.

How do I read a db file into design compiler?

For a .db file to be read into Design Compiler, its file version must be the same as or earlier than the version of Design Compiler you are running.
If you attempt to read in a .db file generated by a Design Compiler version that is later than the Design Compiler version you are using, an error message appears.

Is there a way to convert a libary to DB format?

Yes.You can use library_compiler to convert your libary from lib format to db format.
Yes.You can use library_compiler to convert your libary from lib format to db format.
That's dc_shell, right?, but it really works.
Yes. can do this translation. lc_shell> read_lib .. lc_shell> write_lib ..

What is the difference between lib and DB?

Both .lib and .db are synopsys logical library modeling formats.library compiler converts .lib to .db format.these .db files are in binary format whereas .lib in ASCII format.
Before a library can be used, it must be compiled to .db. most of them are replied. other way to see like this.
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Why does design compiler use my_Lib?

Design Compiler uses the my_lib.db file found in the lib directory because it finds the lib directory first:

  • prompt> set_app_var search_path "lib vhdl default" To see the order of the library files as they are found by Design Compiler
  • use the which command:
  • prompt> which my_lib.db /usr/lib/my_lib.db, /usr/vhdl/my_lib.db .

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