Design compiler milkyway

  • What is Milky Way library?

    Milkyway is a Synopsys library format that stores all of circuit files from synthesis through place and route all the way to signoff.
    Most Synopsys tools can read and write in the Milkyway format including Design Compiler, IC Complier, StarRCXT, Hercules, Jupiter & Prime Time..

  • What is Milkyway database?

    The Milkyway database was originally developed by Avanti Corporation, which has since been acquired by Synopsys.
    It was first released in 1997.
    Milkyway is the database underlying most of Synopsys' physical design tools: IC Compiler and Astro physical synthesis.
    Star-RCXT RC parasitic extractor..

  • What is Synopsys Milkyway?

    Milkyway is the database underlying most of Synopsys' physical design tools: IC Compiler and Astro physical synthesis.
    Star-RCXT RC parasitic extractor.
    Hercules LVS/DRC physical verification..

  • Milkyway is the database underlying most of Synopsys' physical design tools: IC Compiler and Astro physical synthesis.
    Star-RCXT RC parasitic extractor.
    Hercules LVS/DRC physical verification.
IC Compiler reads physical design information and library cell information from the. Milkyway database to perform placement, clock tree synthesis, and routing.
The IC Compiler tool uses a Milkyway design library to store your design and its associated library informacon. The IC Compiler tool requires both logicĀ 


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Design compiler timing report
Design compiler timing constraints
Design compiler timing loop
Design compiler timing
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