Geometry coding problems

  • Does geometry help in coding?

    You'll quickly see how a little geometry can help you design realistic simulations, translate the physical world into code, and even reduce your cloud services bill by improving the efficiency of graphics-intensive applications.
    Geometry for Programmers is both practical and entertaining..

Oct 1, 2023Some common geometric problems include: The intersection of two lines or planes. Convex hull of a set of points.
Sep 26, 2023Learn more about Geometric Algorithms in DSA Self Paced CoursePractice Problems on Geometric Algorithms Basic DSA Coding ProblemsDSA  Pattern PrintingLinesTriangleRectangle | Square | Circle
In geometry and coding theory, a spherical code with parameters (n,N,t) is a set of N points on the unit hypersphere in n dimensions for which the dot product of unit vectors from the origin to any two points is less than or equal to t.
The kissing number problem may be stated as the problem of finding the maximal N for a given n for which a spherical code with parameters (n,N,1/2) exists.
The Tammes problem may be stated as the problem of finding a spherical code with minimal t for given n and N.


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