Stress computed tomography perfusion

  • How is stress MPI done?

    A Stress/Rest Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) Study is a type of stress test that uses PET or SPECT imaging of a patient's heart before and after exercise to determine the effect of physical stress on the flow of blood through the coronary arteries and the heart muscle..

  • How is the heart stressed during a nuclear cardiac perfusion study?

    A stress myocardial perfusion scan assesses blood flow to the heart muscle when it is stressed.
    The heart is usually “stressed” from exercise.
    But, if you are unable to exercise, the heart can be stressed by taking a certain medicine that increases your heart rate or dilate blood vessels as would occur during exercise..

  • What is a perfusion defect on stress test?

    Areas that are damaged or don't have good blood flow do not absorb the tracer.
    The damaged areas may be called “cold spots” or “defects.” A stress myocardial perfusion scan assesses blood flow to the heart muscle when it is stressed..

  • What is a perfusion defect on stress test?

    The degree of reversibility of a perfusion defect is identified on post-stress images as an area of decreased radiopharmaceutical activity that improves or disappears on rest or redistribution images.
    Non-reversible defect (fixed) shows no significant changes in activity between post-stress or rest images..

  • What is a SPECT stress test?

    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) stress testing - during a SPECT stress test, a small amount of radioactive substance is injected into the bloodstream and cameras record the blood flow to and from the heart..

  • What is a stress perfusion scan?

    What is a stress myocardial perfusion scan? Myocardial perfusion is an imaging test.
    It's also called a nuclear stress test.
    It is done to show how well blood flows through the heart muscle.
    It also shows how well the heart muscle is pumping..

  • What is stress computed tomography perfusion?

    Latest generation computed tomography scanners (≥ 64 slices) allow the possibility of performing static or dynamic perfusion imaging during stress by using coronary vasodilator agents (adenosine, dipyridamole, or regadenoson), combining both functional and anatomical information in the same examination..

  • What is stress perfusion?

    A Stress/Rest Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) Study is a type of stress test that uses PET or SPECT imaging of a patient's heart before and after exercise to determine the effect of physical stress on the flow of blood through the coronary arteries and the heart muscle..

  • What is the mechanism of myocardial perfusion imaging?

    A myocardial perfusion scan uses a tiny amount of a radioactive substance, called a radioactive tracer.
    The tracer travels through the bloodstream and healthy heart muscle absorbs it.
    On the scan, the areas where tracer has been absorbed look different from the areas that do not absorb it..

  • What is the stress MPI test used for?

    A Stress/Rest Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) Study is a type of stress test that uses PET or SPECT imaging of a patient's heart before and after exercise to determine the effect of physical stress on the flow of blood through the coronary arteries and the heart muscle..

  • Advantages of MPI

    Non-invasive with radiation exposure kept to a minimum.For patients who are too frail to exercise or who have failed an exercise stress test pharmacological stressing can be performed.Preferable to stress echocardiography in obese patients with poor acoustic windows.
  • A cannula will be put in (usually in your arm) A small amount of radioactive solution (sestamibi) will be given through the cannula.
    You'll be asked to lie on the scan table.
    A camera will be above your chest taking pictures of your heart.
  • A small amount of radioactive material will be injected into your IV line.
    This radioactive 'tracer' goes to the muscle of your heart according to the amount of cardiac blood flow.
    After a short wait period, images of your heart will be taken with a special camera.
  • Myocardial perfusion imaging (MIBI), otherwise known as a nuclear stress test, evaluates blood flow to the heart at rest and under stress.
    This test specifically examines blood flow through the coronary arteries to the heart and gives a more complete assessment on the presence of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
  • Your doctor has requested a PET Myocardial Perfusion (MP) Stress Test, also called a Rubidium PET.
    This procedure evaluates the blood flow (perfusion) through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle using a radioactive tracer.
Background: Recently, new techniques such as dynamic stress computed tomography perfusion (stress-CTP) emerged as potential strategies to combine anatomical and 
The stress myocardial computed tomography perfusion (CTP) imaging is a CT-based exam that combines the information provided by anatomy and perfusion. CT assessment of myocardial perfusion is based on the distribution of iodinated contrast material during its first pass through the myocardium.
The stress myocardial computed tomography perfusion (CTP) imaging is a CT-based exam that combines the information provided by anatomy and perfusion. CT assessment of myocardial perfusion is based on the distribution of iodinated contrast material during its first pass through the myocardium.

Can dynamic stress computed tomography perfusion combine anatomical and functional evaluation?

Background: Recently, new techniques such as dynamic stress computed tomography perfusion (stress-CTP) emerged as potential strategies to combine anatomical and functional evaluation in a one-shot scan

However, previous experiences with this technique were associated with high radiation exposure

Does dynamic stress perfusion CT detect inducible myocardial ischemia?

The SPECIFIC (Dynamic Stress Perfusion CT for Detection of Inducible Myocardial Ischemia) study is an international, multicenter, prospective, observational cohort study designed to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of dynamic CT-MPI ( NCT02810795)

Study participants were recruited at 9 hospitals in Europe, Japan, and the United States

What are the advantages of dynamic CT-MPI over other perfusion techniques?

Advantages of dynamic CT-MPI over other perfusion techniques are the high spatial resolution and complete coverage of the left ventricle, as well as the ability to correlate perfusion abnormalities with coronary CTA findings, thereby integrating anatomy and function in one examination


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