Construction management procedures

  • Construction project management software

    Planning, Preconstruction, Construction & Close-Out
    The construction process is typically divided into 4 essential phases: Planning, Preconstruction, Construction and Close-out..

  • What are the processes of construction management?

    The five phases of the construction management process reflect those in traditional PM: project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and, once the team meets all completion goals, project closeout.Nov 14, 2015.

Sep 19, 2023The role of a construction project managerPut together the budget and negotiate cost estimatesArrange the work timetablesChoose the  Construction project The main principles of Project management processes

What is the planning phase in construction project management?

The planning phase is probably the most important project management phase because you’ll create the documents that will guide the project execution.
Here are some of them:

  • The project schedule is a big part of the planning phase in construction project management.

  • Categories

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