Consumption behaviour examples

  • What is an example of consumption behavior?

    For example, a person will spend their money on food and ensure they have a safe home before investing in outings with friends, trendy clothes, or a nicer car.
    As a business owner, understanding these drives can help you to better serve your customers.Oct 14, 2020.

  • What is behavior consumption?

    Consumer behavior is the actions and decisions that people or households make when they choose, buy, use, and dispose of a product or service.
    Many psychological, sociological, and cultural elements play a role in how consumers engage with the market..

Consumer behavior – companies need to know
  • Routine shopping. The shopper buys without having to do much research, there is low involvement, and usually at low cost.
  • Limited decision making. The buyer occasionally purchases the product after somebody recommended it.
  • Extensive decision making.
  • Impulse buying.
Consumer behavior is the study of all the activities related to the purchase, use, and disposal of goods and services by people and organizations.

Why is consumer behavior important?

Here is why—and 3 strategies to help

Consumer behavior—or how people buy and use goods and services—is a rich field of psychological research, particularly for companies trying to sell products to as many potential customers as possible

×Consumer behavior refers to the decisions and actions that people take when purchasing and using products or services.Examples of consumer behavior include:
  • Deciding what types of food to buy at the grocery store, considering factors such as cost, convenience, nutritional value, and taste.
  • Change in eating habits leading to increased demand for gluten-free products.
  • Social groups gathering and indulging together around physical objects or joint activities.
  • Routine shopping, limited decision making, extensive decision making, and impulse buying.


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