Consumer behavior satiation

  • What is customer satiation?

    Satiation is defined as a feeling of being above one's desire or assimilation capacity, which reduces the interest and enjoyment of a product or service in future consumption (Redden & Galak, 2013).Nov 10, 2021.

  • “Recirculation” involves repeated exposure to the same information; the information is not learned deliberately, but is gradually absorbed through repetition.
    Thus, it is to the advantage to a marketer to have an advertisement repeated extensively—especially the brand name.
The concept of satiation refers to “the process whereby consumers enjoy a stimulus less as they consume more of it” (Sevilla and Redden, 2014).

Does evolutionary economics need a behavioral theory of consumer behavior?

Nelson and Consoli ( 2010) argue that evolutionary economics needs a behavioral theory of consumer behavior

In economics, consumer behavior is often formalized by means of Engel curves and income elasticities

How does consumer behavior affect purchasing behavior?

In product categories for which purchases are repeated over time, such as tourist accommodations, purchasing behavior is influenced by consumers’ experiences and habits ( Roy et al

, 1996 )

How does consumption affect satiation?

The effectiveness of consumption is tied to the means, i

e the consumption goods, by which deprivation can be reduced in the various categories

This effectiveness can also be modeled as a function that decreases with consumption in the same category, approaching zero from above so that total satiation will never be reached

Ingestive behaviors encompass all eating and drinking behaviors.
These actions are influenced by physiological regulatory mechanisms; these mechanisms exist to control and establish homeostasis within the human body.
Disruptions in these ingestive regulatory mechanisms can result in eating disorders such as obesity, anorexia, and bulimia.
Consumer behavior satiation
Consumer behavior satiation

Anti-predator adaption

Predator satiation is an anti-predator adaptation in which prey briefly occur at high population densities, reducing the probability of an individual organism being eaten.
When predators are flooded with potential prey, they can consume only a certain amount, so by occurring at high densities prey benefit from a safety in numbers effect.
This strategy has evolved in a diverse range of prey, including notably many species of plants, insects, and fish.
Predator satiation can be considered a type of refuge from predators.


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