Consumer buying behaviour during festivals

  • How do holidays affect consumer Behaviour?

    Most businesses spend a lot of money on advertising between Thanksgiving, Christmas, Diwali, and New Year to drive attention to their exclusive deals and influence buying behaviour on holiday.
    As a result, people spend more money, especially on impulse purchases, and increase the sale figure..

  • How does culture affect consumer buying behaviour?

    Since different cultures have different values, consumers have different buying habits.
    Marketing strategies should reflect the culture that is being targeted.
    The strategy should show the product or service as reinforcing the beliefs, values and customs of the targeted culture..

  • How does culture impact consumer buying Behaviour?

    Culture plays a central role in influencing consumer behavior.
    It shapes individuals' attitudes, beliefs, values, and preferences, ultimately guiding their purchasing decisions..

  • Traditional customer behavior — Consumers can physically choose and check out what items or products they would like and their features, prices, and availability.
    The consumer has to leave their homes either walk or take a ride to the stores of their choice to buy what they want.
Jan 3, 2023- The reason for purchase during festival season is having more disposable income (bonus etc.) - Discount facilities increase the sales by about 
Oct 12, 2022People prefer to spend more money and make more purchases when they are in a celebratory mood because, according to psychologists, it increases 

Do festivals help consumers develop new ideas on buying?

Getz (2010) conducted a study on the festival motivations and actual experience of consumers in cross cultural context

He found that the cross cultural differences of festivals help consumers to develop new ideas on purchasing

People often buy things they don’t need – called ‘impulsive buying’. Psychologists believe the tendency for impulse buying is ass…


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