Consumer behaviour towards biscuits pdf

  • Among the 100 respondents 69% of the respondents are Satisfaction with quantity of the Sunfeast biscuits.
    Among the 100 respondents 51% of the respondents are Highly satisfaction with Price of the Sunfeast biscuits.
    Among the 100 respondents 55% of the respondents are Satisfaction with Taste of the Sunfeast biscuits.
  • Taste (extent to which consumption of the food is appealing to the senses) Price (the price that is paid for the food) Safety (extent to which consumption of food will not cause illness) Convenience (ease with which food is cooked and/or consumed)

What is consumer behaviour in biscuits?

The consumers of Biscuits are very sensitive about their availability, followed by brands and quality as shown by the results of likert scale

INTRODUCTION Consumer behaviour refers to the mental and emotional process and the observable behaviour of consumers during searching, purchasing and post consumption of a product or service

Why are biscuits moving fast in the market?

Biscuits as a delicious food during morning and evening for tea break

Hence the biscuits are moving fast in the market as all the people consumes variety of biscuits, bread, rusk, cakes and dairy products

Hence it is inevitable to have a thorough study on consumer buying decision in biscuits

Why do consumers prefer Parle-G biscuits?

The study observes that majority of the consumers prefers cream biscuit, Parle-G is found to highly aware among consumers and Quality is the prominent factor, which influences a consumer to purchase the biscuit Content may be subject to copyright

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