Consumer law ucc

  • (8) "Order" means a written instruction to pay money signed by the person giving the instruction.
  • What are goods under the UCC?

    The UCC definition of goods is set out in Article 2, section 2-105 as "all things which are movable other than money investment securities, and things in action.
    Goods also include the unborn young of animals and growing crops, and other identified things attached to realty".

  • What does UCC stand for in sales?

    “UCC” stands for Uniform Commercial Code.
    The Uniform Commercial Code is a uniform law that governs commercial transactions, including sales of goods, secured transactions and negotiable instruments.
    The Uniform Commercial Code is a comprehensive set of statutes created to provide consistency among the states..

  • What is a consumer according to the UCC?

    (11) "Consumer" means an individual who enters into a transaction primarily for personal, family, or household purposes..

  • The UCC applies to any sale of goods, but sometimes special obligations are imposed on merchants.
    While the UCC imposes various general (and more specific) obligations on the parties, they are free, within limits, to make up their own contract terms and obligations; if they do not, the UCC applies.
  • The UCC definition of goods is set out in Article 2, section 2-105 as "all things which are movable other than money investment securities, and things in action.
    Goods also include the unborn young of animals and growing crops, and other identified things attached to realty"
This comment proposes to examine consumer protection already available under the UCC, focusing upon the concepts of unconscion- ability and warranty. A brief 


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