Contract law uol

  • Contract law cases UK

    Contract law creates and implements the agreements of a contract and will seek out a remedy if a violation does occur.
    Some types of terms required to make a contract legal: An offer.

  • What is a contract in business law?

    A contract is an agreement between two parties that creates an obligation to perform (or not perform) a particular duty.
    A legally enforceable contract requires the following elements, all of which are discussed in more detail below..

  • What makes a contract null and void UK?

    These are some of the most common reasons: The subject of the contract is illegal.
    For example, if you sign a contract to launder money for an organized crime syndicate, but the other party breaches its terms, you have no legal recourse because the subject of the agreement was unlawful..

  • Generally speaking, the UCC requires that any contract for the sale of goods with a price of $500 or more must: be in writing, and. be signed by the person the contract is being enforced against.
  • Treitel defines an offer as "an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed", the "offeree".
    An offer is a statement of the terms on which the offeror is willing to be bound.
It is a compulsory module if you would like to practice law in England and Wales. This module covers the key underlying principles of English contract law and includes key topics such as contract formation, consideration, privity, breach of contract, and remedies for breach of contract.

Topics Covered

1. The formation of contracts.Offer and acceptance. Consideration. Certaint… 2.

Essential Reading

1. McKendrick, E. Contract law. (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2… 2.

How do I study contract law?

Contract law is a broad and complex area of law that covers a wide range of topics

First, you need to familiarise yourself with the syllabus

Some of the key topics that are typically included in the study of contract law include: Formation of Contracts

Is there a law applicable to all types of contracts?

The law of contract described in this guide consists of many principles of generalapplication

In this sense we can say that there is a single law applicable to all types ofcontract

However, in many specialised areas these general principles are disappliedand supplemented by specific extra rules

What is a contract law module guide?

15page 2 University of London International Programmes IntroductionThis module guide is designed to help you to study the Contract law of Englandand Wales

This guide is not a textbook and it must not be taken as a substitute forreading the texts, cases, statutory materials and journals referred to in it


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