Concise european copyright law

  • How can you be protected by copyright?

    To be eligible for protection under the Copyright Act, a work must be fixed in a “tangible medium of expression.” A literary work, for example, can be fixed in a book or on the back of an envelope.
    A musical work can be fixed in sheet music, on tape, or in a digital file..

  • To be eligible for protection under the Copyright Act, a work must be fixed in a “tangible medium of expression.” A literary work, for example, can be fixed in a book or on the back of an envelope.
    A musical work can be fixed in sheet music, on tape, or in a digital file.
Jan 27, 2016Concise European Copyright Law is part of 'Concise IP', a series of five volumes of commentary on European intellectual property legislation.
Concise European Copyright Law is part of 'Concise IP', a series of five volumes of commentary on European intellectual property legislation. The five volumes cover: Patents and related matters, Trademarks and designs, Copyrights and neighbouring rights, IT and a general volume including jurisdictional issues.

Does Spain have a copyright exception?

Directive 2006/115/EC (Rental and Lending Directive) contains an optional exception which has been implemented by Spain.
In Spain, the exceptions and limitations to copyright are to be found in Chapter II of the Law of Intellectual Property (Articles 31 to 40).
In 2014, a further exception was added to those which 331 Artículo 12 - Colecciones.

Trade mark law of the European Union is governed by European Union law together with national law within those countries which are also member states of the European Union.
Trade marks may be registered within individual countries, or across the whole of the EU.
In the case of a European Trademark is granted a unitary character that applies protection for that mark across the whole of the EU with certain exceptions.
Exceptions include but not limited to: specific language conflicts in a particular reason as well as the case where there was a previously granted national trademark that would conflict in the case of a given EUTM.


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European copyright law book
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