Cosmology vs ontology

  • What is the difference between ontological and cosmological?

    Cosmological argument (the world can't be self-caused or uncaused, it needs a First Cause (God). 2.
    Ontological Argument (God's existence provable from the very definition of God)..

  • What is the difference between ontology and metaphysics?

    Following the lead of Quine, ontology is traditionally said to deal with the question of what exists, while metaphysics, perhaps following Aristotle, works on a more shady area, dealing with some disparate issues such as being qua being, causality, theology, and in more recent times, the nature of modality, personal .

  • What is the difference between ontology and ontology?

    Particular ontological theories or types of theories are often referred to as "ontologies" (singular or plural).
    This usage contrasts with the meaning of "ontology" (only singular) as a branch of philosophy: the science of being in general..

  • Metaphysics (from meta – 'beyond') is a branch of philosophy that deals with abstract concepts (beyond physics) and first principles, seeking to explain nature of being or reality (ontology) and the the original and structure of the world (cosmology).Nov 18, 2016
  • Ontology defines your research framework while epistemology determines the research questions that you will need to answer.
    Together, ontology, epistemology and methodology form an all-encompassing system of interrelated practice and thinking that defines the nature of your research.
  • Particular ontological theories or types of theories are often referred to as "ontologies" (singular or plural).
    This usage contrasts with the meaning of "ontology" (only singular) as a branch of philosophy: the science of being in general.
Cosmology is the study of the creation & development (genesis,) of the universe, and ontology is the study of the nature of being, but actually 'be-ness.
Metaphysics ('Classical' Physics,) is the study of existence, truth, knowledge, etc., and metaphysics branches are cosmology ('classical/quantum' Physics) and ontology. Cosmology is the study of the creation & development (genesis,) of the universe, and ontology is the study of the nature of being, but actually 'be-ness.'

is that cosmology is the study of the physical universe, its structure, dynamics, origin and evolution, and fate while ontology is (uncountable|philosophy) the branch of metaphysics that addresses the nature or essential characteristics of being and of things that exist; the study of being qua being.

Epistemology, from ‘episteme’ (knowledge), means ‘the study of knowledge,’ Ontology from ‘onto” (being) means the ‘study of being.’ Cosmology from kosmos (order or world) means the ‘study of the world,’ especially its origin and development


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