Cosmology example words

  • Theories of cosmology

    Cosmology is the study of the cosmos, which is the entire universe.
    Someone who studies cosmology is interested in the structure, origins, and development of the universe..

  • What is an example of cosmology?

    Most religions and cultures include some kind of cosmology to explain the nature of the universe.
    In modern astronomy, the leading cosmology is still the Big Bang theory, which claims that the universe began with a huge explosion that sent matter and energy spreading out in all directions.Oct 18, 2023.

  • What is cosmology in sentence?

    He is interested in cosmology and astronomy.
    He has a fantastic ability for making physics and cosmology accessible.
    This astonishing idea concerning the origins of the universe is a cornerstone of modern cosmology.
    There was then no clear separation between the sciences of cosmology and biology..

Words Near Cosmology in the Dictionary
  • cosmological-horizon.
  • cosmological-principle.
  • cosmological-redshift.
  • cosmological-scale.
  • cosmologically.
  • cosmologist.
  • cosmology.
  • cosmometry.
The scientific study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe.


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