Cosmology from quantum potential

  • What is the quantum potential theory?

    The quantum potential energy, as introduced by David Bohm, is defined and interpreted within symplectic quantum mechanics.
    It is a form of energy which cannot be localized in space.
    It represent the energy associated with the spatial curvature of the square-root quantum fidelity..

  • In quantum physics, specifying the initial state of a system allows one to calculate the probability that it will be found in any other state at a later time.
    Cosmology attempts to describe the behaviour of the entire Universe using these physical laws.
  • The quantum potential energy, as introduced by David Bohm, is defined and interpreted within symplectic quantum mechanics.
    It is a form of energy which cannot be localized in space.
    It represent the energy associated with the spatial curvature of the square-root quantum fidelity.
Feb 4, 2015One naturally assumes a quantum mechanical description of the fluid or condensate filling our universe, described by a wavefunction ψ = R e i S 


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