Cosmology in anthropology

  • What are the concepts of cosmology?

    Cosmology studies how the history of the universe led to the stars, galaxies, and other features we can observe today.
    Cosmology is the study of the origin, development, structure, history, and future of the entire universe..

Cosmology is the study of the universe and how it started. Anthropology is the study of human civilization and history. Anthropologists that relate cosmology to anthropology propose that what a human civilization believes about the cosmos plays a central role in the structure of their society.

Do cosmologies coexist?

Because each form of communication is specific to a people, many different cosmic centers — and accordingly, cosmologies — must coexist.
It is in this general cosmographic context that we may consider two indigenous histories.
For the Zuni case, we turn to the year 1896 and the newly initiated state of New Mexico.



In June 2015, we held a one-day workshop titled Cosmologies of Destiny: ethnographies of predestination, temporality and freedom, which sought to position destiny at the heart of our anthropological thinking by exploring it ethnographically in a variety of social and religious settings.
What does it mean to live a life that has already been written.


Research Projects

Martin Holbraad is currently on research leave directing Making Selves, Making Revolutions: Comparative Anthropologies of Revolutionary Politics (CARP), a 5-year project (2014-19) funded by a Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council.
Based on close ethnographic studies in selected countries of the Middle East and Latin America, the proje.



Bringing together researchers who share an interest in cosmologically informed approaches to anthropology, CROC's research programme focuses on such topics as religion and ritual, mythical landscapes, indigenous knowledge, cosmologies of modernity, cosmopolitics, emergent imaginaries, and questions of ontological alterity.
Run since 2005 as a fortn.


Teaching Activities

Emerging out of the research activities of CROC, a course in Cosmos, Society and the Political Imagination is co-taught annually at UCL Anthropology since 2012 by Allen Abramson and Martin Holbraad at BSc and MSc level, and involves guest lectures by Professor Bruce Kapferer.


What does cosmology mean in indigenous terms?

In indigenous terms, we might better conceptualize the negotiation as one between the sky clan and the human clan, with the ruler/ pe'kwin as the mediator.
Cosmology thus becomes the description of personalities and of the relationships among them.


What is anthropology cosmology?

Anthropological cosmologies are based on the proposition that ideas about the cosmos are integral part of human cultural and social systems.
For example, the archaeologist Timothy Darvill talks of a cosmology as being, ‘The world view and belief system of a community based upon their understanding of order in the universe’ [ 13 ].


What is scientific cosmology?

Scientific cosmology is the study of the universe through astronomy and physics.
However, cosmology also has a significant cultural impact.
People construct anthropological cosmologies (notions about the way the world works), drawing in scientific theories in order to construct models for activities in disciplines, such as:

  • politics and psychology.

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