Omega vacuum cosmology

  • What is the Omega in cosmology?

    The capital Greek letter (Omega) is the symbol for this fraction.
    So if (Omega) = 1, then the universe is "flat" and has critical density.
    If (Omega) \x26lt; 1, then the universe is "open" and will expand forever.
    If (Omega) \x26gt; 1, then the universe is "closed" and will eventually recollapse..

  • What is the Omega value of the universe?

    Aside on flatness
    Current indications from the cosmic microwave background are that the universe is spatially flat.
    That implies that the sum of all of the energy (density) in the universe equals the critical density, i.e. the total Omega is 1..

  • What is the vacuum density of the universe?

    The vacuum energy density of the Universe based on 2015 measurements by the Planck collaboration is ρvac = 5.96\xd71027 kg/m3 ≘ 5.3566\xd71010 J/m3 = 3.35 GeV/m3 or about 2.5\xd71047 GeV4 in geometrized units..

  • Current indications from the cosmic microwave background are that the universe is spatially flat.
    That implies that the sum of all of the energy (density) in the universe equals the critical density, i.e. the total Omega is 1.
  • Einstein himself lost little time in abandoning his static cosmology at that point.
    In the early 1930s, he published two distinct models of the expanding universe, one of positive spatial curvature and one of Euclidean geometry.
This issue is called the cosmological constant problem and it is one of the greatest mysteries in science with many physicists believing that "the vacuum holds  EquationPositive valuePredictionsReferences

Does the CDM model satisfy the cosmological principle?

The ΛCDM model has been shown to satisfy the cosmological principle, which states that, on a large-enough scale, the universe looks the same in all directions (isotropy) and from every location (homogeneity); "the universe looks the same whoever and wherever you are." .


What cosmological parameters are included in the Friedmann equation?

2.1 Cosmological parameters From the Friedmann equation(5) (where henceforth we take the effects of a cosmological constant into account by including:

  • the vacuum energy density into the total density )
  • for any value of the Hubble parameter Hthere is a critical valueof the energy density such that the spatial geometry is flat(k= 0):
  • (21) .
  • ,

    What is the cosmological constant attributed to dark energy?

    The fraction of the effective mass of the universe attributed to "dark energy" or the cosmological constant is Ω Λ,0 = 0.73 +/- 0.04.
    With 73% of the influence on the expansion of the universe in this era, the dark energy is viewed as the dominant influence on that expansion.


    What is the cosmological constant in the Lambda-CDM model?

    Thus, the Lambda-CDM model, the current standard model of cosmology which uses the FLRW metric, includes ,the cosmological constant, which is measured to be on the order of 10−52 m−2.
    It may be expressed as 10−35 s−2 (by multiplication with c2, i.e. ≈ 1017 m⋅s−2) or as 10 −122 ℓP−2 (where ℓP is the Planck length).

    Omega vacuum cosmology
    Omega vacuum cosmology

    Book by Charles Seife

    Alpha & Omega: The Search for the Beginning and End of the Universe is the second non-fiction book by Charles Seife, published by Viking, a division of Penguin Putnam, in 2003.


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