Criminal law powerpoint presentation

  • How criminology view crime?

    The classical view in criminology explains crime as a free-will decision to make a criminal choice.
    This choice is made by applying the pain-pleasure principle: people act in ways that maximize pleasure and minimize pain..

  • The primary perspective of right realism theory is that crime is a problem that affects the poor, meaning that poor people are essentially the reason for crime.
    Right realists and conservatives believe that tough control and punishments are the only way to stop criminal trends.

What are examples of intent crimes?


  • 1.
    Solicitation, Attempt, Conspiracy 2.
    Theft Crimes 3.
    Intent to Kill 4.
    Heat of Passion Killings
  • 16.
    MENS REA, GENERAL INTENT CRIMES No specific intent needed to commit a crime. Intent can be inferred from defendant’s conduct.
  • ,

    What is a motive in criminal law?

    MOTIVE INTENTION Intention is the thing you and plan to do and achieve.
    Some actions might not have an intention.
    Key element in determining criminal liability.
    Motive is the ulterior objective behind an act.
    Every act has some kind of motive (good or bad) Considered to be irrelevant in criminal law. 10.


    Why is it important to collect evidence at a crime scene?

    When a crime takes place, it is vital to collect all the evidence at the crime scene in order to solve it.
    If you're passionate about crime, you've seen the typical folder with newspaper clippings, taped images, torn pieces of paper, and red markers to mark the most important things..


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