Crystallography definition

  • How was crystallography used?

    Crystallography is used by materials scientists to characterize different materials.
    In single crystals, the effects of the crystalline arrangement of atoms is often easy to see macroscopically because the natural shapes of crystals reflect the atomic structure..

  • Types of crystallography

    X-ray crystallography uses the principles of X-ray diffraction to analyze the sample, but it is done in many different directions so that the .

    1. D structure can be built up.
    2. It is a technique that has helped to deduce the .
    3. D crystal structure of many materials, especially biological materials

Quantum crystallography is a branch of crystallography that investigates crystalline materials within the framework of quantum mechanics, with analysis and representation, in position or in momentum space, of quantities like wave function, electron charge and spin density, density matrices and all properties related to them.
Like the quantum chemistry, Quantum crystallography involves both experimental and computational work.
The theoretical part of quantum crystallography is based on quantum mechanical calculations of atomic/molecular/crystal wave functions, density matrices or density models, used to simulate the electronic structure of a crystalline material.
While in quantum chemistry, the experimental works mainly rely on spectroscopy, in quantum crystallography the scattering techniques play the central role, although spectroscopy as well as atomic microscopy are also sources of information.
This is a timeline of crystallography.


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