A cultural history of objects in antiquity

  • What are the objects of antiquity?

    Object of antiquity means any relic, artifact, remain, including human skeletal remains, specimen, or other archaeological article that may be found on, in or below the surface of the earth which has historic, scientific, archaeologic or educational value..

  • Why is classical antiquity important? Classical antiquity is the period in which Greece and Rome led the ancient world around the Mediterranean Sea.
    The Greek people and the Roman people laid the foundations of Western civilization in politics, science and technology, art and architecture, philosophy, and literature.
A Cultural History of Objects in Antiquity covers the period 500 BCE to 500 CE, examining ancient objects from machines and buildings to furniture and fashion. Many of our current attitudes to the world of things are shaped by ideas forged in classical antiquity.

Are objects important in history?

Yes, objects are a very clever way of linking people to history

One artifact is a way of reminding us of a certain event in history

Whether it be a time of depression or a “golden age”, there’s always an artifact to show and prove it happened

What are the six volumes of a cultural history of objects?

The six volumes cover: 1 – Antiquity (500 BCE to 500 CE); 2 – Medieval Age (500 to 1400); 3 – Renaissance (1400 to 1600); 4 – Age of Enlightenment (1600 to 1760); 5 – Age of Industry (1760 to 1900); 6 – Modern Age (1900 to the present)

A Cultural History of Objects is part of The Cultural Histories Series

What is a historical object?

Historical objects mark the development of social work through time

Artefacts like Ward’s Foundling hospital token and Moldovan’s Jane Addams’ coat most resemble the convention of a museum object

Organization of museums and museum professionals founded in 1946

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to museums, maintaining formal relations with UNESCO and having a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Founded in 1946, ICOM also partners with entities such as the World Intellectual Property Organization, Interpol, and the World Customs Organization in order to carry out its international public service missions, which include fighting illicit traffic in cultural goods and promoting risk management and emergency preparedness to protect world cultural heritage in the event of natural or man-made disasters.
Members of the ICOM get the ICOM membership card, which provides free entry, or entry at a reduced rate, to many museums all over the world.
A cultural history of objects in antiquity
A cultural history of objects in antiquity

Jewish educational institution in Los Angeles, California

The Skirball Cultural Center, founded in 1996, is a Jewish educational institution in Los Angeles, California.
The center, named after philanthropist-couple Jack H.
Skirball and Audrey Skirball-Kenis, has a museum with regularly changing exhibitions, film events, music and theater performances, comedy, family, literary and cultural programs.
The campus includes a museum, a performing arts center, conference halls, classrooms, libraries, courtyards, gardens, and a café.
Although the center has its roots in Jewish culture, it is open to individuals of all ages and cultures.
The Supreme Council of Antiquities was a department

The Supreme Council of Antiquities was a department

1994–2011 branch of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture

The Supreme Council of Antiquities was a department of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture from 1994 to 2011.
It was the government body responsible for the conservation, protection and regulation of all antiquities and archaeological excavations in Egypt, and was a reorganization of the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation, under Presidential Decree No. 82 of Hosni Mubarak.


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