Cultural studies phd

  • Best Cultural Studies PhD Programs

    Cultural studies is a relatively new interdisciplinary field of study, which came into being in the UK in the post-war years.
    It emerged out of a perceived necessity on the part of two of its founding figures, Raymond Williams and Richard Hoggart..

  • Best Cultural Studies PhD Programs

    The cultural studies courses explore themes of nationality, law, regionalism, musical traditions and religious studies, with specific focus on South Asia..

  • What is a PHD in cultural studies?

    Your study includes training in field- and text-based research, ethnography, textual analysis of film and media, archival studies, and oral history, spanning the humanities and allowing you to tailor your academic experience..

A PhD in Cultural Studies, a dynamic, growing field of inquiry, equips you with the cultural expertise and critical research methods needed to transcend disciplinary boundaries as you examine ideological dimensions of culture and power struggles among competing systems of representation.
Completing a PhD in Cultural Studies may require learning about the artistic and literary traditions of a culture, as well as the influence of trade, media, nationalism, immigration, education, and race in a culture's identity.

Research Community

Your project will benefit from: 1. the diverse research expertise of staff from the Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture (ESALA) 2

Assessment and Progression

The PhD is a major work of independent research

What is the Cultural Studies Program?

The Cultural Studies Program trains students for both scholarship and teaching

Students come to the doctoral program with Masters degrees in anthropology, English, history, sociology, and other traditional disciplines

Most come with an already established interest in radical scholarship and interdisciplinary work

What is the supervisory team like in a cultural studies PhD?

As a Cultural studies PhD or Global studies PhD student, you will have a supervisory team comprising two members of academic staff

Depending on your particular area of study you may also have additional supervisors from other research institutions or external partners

Cultural studies phd
Cultural studies phd

School of Indigenous Studies of National Dong Hwa University (NDHU)

NDHU College of Indigenous Studies is a school of Indigenous Studies of National Dong Hwa University (NDHU).
Founded in 2001, it traces its root back to the Graduate Institute of Ethnic Relations and Cultures in 1995 with Professor Chiao Chien, the Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University Bloomington and Founding Chair of Anthropology at Chinese University of Hong Kong, as Founding Director.


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