Cytology number

  • Is cytology a cell count?

    Cytology is the exam of a single cell type, as often found in fluid specimens.
    It's mainly used to diagnose or screen for cancer.
    It's also used to screen for fetal abnormalities, for pap smears, to diagnose infectious organisms, and in other screening and diagnostic areas..


Cytology notes pdf in hindi
Cytology nurse
Cytology of pleural fluid
Cytology of ascitic fluid
Cytology of urine
Cytology of nipple discharge
Cytology of csf
Cytology of pleomorphic adenoma
Cytology of lymph node
Cytology of raspberries
Cytology on dogs
Cytology of squamous cell carcinoma
Cytology of female genital tract
Cytology of breast
Cytology of pap smear
Cytology of body fluids
Cytology of salivary gland
Cytology pap smear
Cytology pdf notes
Cytology procedure