Cytology cervix atlas online

  • How accurate is cervical cytology?

    Meta-analysis studies have shown that the sensitivity and specificity of cervical cytology were from 30% to 87% and 86% to 100%, respectively. [3] Colposcopy is based on the principle of visualization of cervical epithelium under magnification.
    Colposcopy is observer dependent..

  • What are the 5 cervical cancer screening methods?

    Cervical screening tests such as conventional cytology (PAP smear), liquid based cytology (LBC), human papillomavirus (HPV) testing, and visual inspection on acetic acid (VIA) can detect cervical precancerous lesions in apparently healthy, asymptomatic women..

  • What is the difference between ASC US and ASC H?

    It includes ASC of undetermined significance (ASC-US) when the atypia is seen in mature cells and ASC-cannot rule out high-grade lesion (ASC-H) when borderline changes are seen in less mature, smaller metaplastic cells or smaller basaloid cells..

  • Cervical Cancer Symptoms

    vaginal bleeding after sex.vaginal bleeding after menopause.vaginal bleeding between periods or periods that are heavier or longer than normal.vaginal discharge that is watery and has a strong odor or that contains blood.pelvic pain or pain during sex.

How do you cytology a cervix?

This is performed by opening the vaginal canal with a speculum, fully visualizing the cervix, using a cervical broom or spatula to exfoliate cells from the transformation zone and transferring the cells either into liquid preservative (liquid-based cytology) or directly onto a microscope slide (conventional cytology).


What are the results of a cervical cytology?

The results of a cervical cytology is often report follows:

  1. Normal cytology
  2. in which there is no evidence of malignant cells

Inadequate cytology, which not is has been able to study properly sample for what they should repeat it.

What is the Atlas of the cervical column?

the first cervical vertebra, the uppermost segment of the vertebral column, which supports the skull.
Atlas. (A), (top) superior aspect; (bottom) transverse aspect.
Note the absence of the body and spinous process. (B), position.
From Dorland's, 2000.


Where can I find information on liquid-based cytology for cervical screening?

The NICE website ( has further information about NICE and the full guidance on liquid-based cytology for cervical screening that has been issued to the NHS.
The guidance can also be requested from the NHS Response Line by phoning 0870 1555 455 and quoting reference N0296.


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Cytology what does it do
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Exfoliative cytology why
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Cytology how accurate is it
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Urine cytology how long for results
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