What does recall cytology smear mean

  • What is the recall system for smears?

    The NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHS CSP) call/recall system invites women and people with a cervix to book a cervical screening appointment every three or five years, depending on their age..

  • What is the routine recall for HPV?

    The laboratory will refer women to colposcopy if they test positive for types 16 or 18 at the initial and 12-month repeat tests.
    Routine recall is every 3 years for women aged 25 to 49, and every 5 years for women aged 50 to 64..

  • The laboratory will refer women to colposcopy if they test positive for types 16 or 18 at the initial and 12-month repeat tests.
    Routine recall is every 3 years for women aged 25 to 49, and every 5 years for women aged 50 to 64.
Jun 7, 2021The NHS CSP sends the first invitation for cervical screening when individuals reach the age of 24.5. Individuals are recalled every 3 years  Information governance Eligibility and inclusion criteriaCall and recall process
Nov 26, 2020(1) Call Invites for previously unscreened women.(2) Recall Invites for subsequent screens following: Previous negative cytology result OR

How do I send a cervical test results file to a call and recall?

All results files must be formatted correctly and quality checked before electronic transmission to call and recall.
On receipt of the results file from the laboratory, the call and recall service must validate and process the laboratory link file and issue a confirmation of receipt back to the sending cervical screening laboratory.


Is cervical cytology a screening tool?

Cervical cytology is a screening tool.
It aims at detecting precancerous conditions of the cervix, not cervical cancer.
Precancerous conditions do not produce symptoms.
If gynaecological symptoms exist (e.g. post menopausal or post coital bleeding etc) referral to gynaecologist should be considered especially in women over 40 years.


When does a test stop being recalled?

Individuals are recalled every 3 years until they turn 50, when the recall interval changes to every 5 years.
Automatic recall stops when the next test due date ( NTDD) is on or after their 65th birthday.
Ceasing guidance describes the clinical circumstances under which individuals may not be eligible for screening.


When is cervical screening recalled?

The NHS CSP sends the first invitation for cervical screening when individuals reach the age of 24.5.
Individuals are recalled every 3 years until they turn 50, when the recall interval changes to every 5 years.
Automatic recall stops when the next test due date ( NTDD) is on or after their 65th birthday.


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