Can cytology be wrong

  • How accurate is the cytology test?

    Urinary cytology is most helpful in diagnosing invasive high-grade (the cancer cells grow and spread quickly) tumors and carcinoma in situ (a group of abnormal cells that are found only in the place where they first formed in the body).
    It has a 95% accuracy rate for diagnosing these two conditions..

  • What are the limitations of cytology?

    Five general considerations are emphasized: (1) aspiration samples should not be used in preference to larger biopsies when the latter can be easily and safely secured; (2) the histologic architecture is lost in aspiration samples, and diagnoses that are based on histology are not possible; (3) diagnoses must be made .

  • Effusion fluid cytology has propensity for both false positives (in up to 0.5%) and false negatives (in up to 30%) results.
  • False-positive results occur in patients with bladder stones,45 human polyomavirus infection,46 and chemotherapy.
    A positive cytologic result in the face of a negative biopsy result does not necessarily mean that the cytologic diagnosis is false.
  • Negative for high-grade urothelial carcinoma: This means the pathologist found no cancer cells or abnormal cells in your urine sample.
    Atypical urothelial cells: This means that the pathologist found some abnormalities in your urine sample, but the cells weren't abnormal enough to be considered cancer.
Like many types of medical tests, a cytology test can give a false negative or false positive result. Additionally, in some cases, tissue biopsies can be more accurate than cytology tests.
This may occur as a result of a lack of diagnostic cells in the specimen obtained (a true false negative) or as a result of observer er- ror, in that diagnostic cells are present but they are overlooked or misinterpreted by the examiner.


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