Cytology peritoneal fluid

  • How do they do a peritoneal fluid cytology?

    A peritoneal culture is a procedure where peritoneal fluid is withdrawn with a needle from the peritoneal cavity.
    The peritoneal cavity is the space between the two membranes lining the abdominal cavity.
    The test is done to determine the cause of ascites, fluid accumulation in the peritoneal space..

  • What is normal peritoneal fluid in cytology?

    Normal peritoneal fluid has a clear, colorless to light yellow appearance.
    When a strangulating lesion is present, there is movement of protein followed by red blood cells and finally leukocytes into the peritoneal cavity.
    This results in the peritoneal fluid becoming turbid and red to brown (serosanguinous)..

  • What is the test for peritoneal fluid?

    Peritoneal fluid culture is a laboratory test performed on a sample of peritoneal fluid.
    It is done to detect bacteria or fungi that cause infection (peritonitis).
    Peritoneal fluid is the fluid in the peritoneal cavity, a space between the wall of the abdomen and the organs inside..

  • Paracentesis is the procedure in which peritoneal cavity is perforated with a hollow needle to remove fluid or gas.
    Paracentesis with ascitic fluid analysis is the most rapid, simple, safe & cost-effective method of determining the etiology of ascites.
    Ascitic fluid effusion is classified into transudate and exudate.
  • Peritoneal fluid cells (PFC) include all nucleated forms found in circulating blood—histiocytes or macrophages, mast cells, some erythrocytes, and a few desquamated mesothelial cells.
    Proportions of the different cell types found in peritoneal fluid may change markedly after stimulation or irritation.
  • Peritoneal fluid culture is a laboratory test performed on a sample of peritoneal fluid.
    It is done to detect bacteria or fungi that cause infection (peritonitis).
    Peritoneal fluid is the fluid in the peritoneal cavity, a space between the wall of the abdomen and the organs inside.
A needle is inserted through the skin of your abdomen and a fluid sample is pulled out. The fluid is collected into a tube (syringe) attached to the end of the needle. The fluid is sent to a lab where it is examined.
Background: Pelvic washing and peritoneal fluid cytology specimens are used to detect peritoneal spread of malignancies. In most cases, identification of malignancy in these specimens is straightforward, but benign processes may occasionally mimic neoplasia and cause diagnostic difficulty.

Does washing the peritoneal cavity yield a cell sample similar to ascitic fluid?

• Although washing the peritoneal cavity with saline or balanced salt solution may be expected to yield a cell sample similar to ascitic fluid, there are differences that must be appreciated in order to accurately evaluate these samples.


What is a peritoneal effusion?

The accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity constitutes a peritoneal effusion.
This is also termed ascites, which is derived from the Greek askos meaning bladder, belly or bag. 1 In this article the two are used interchangeably.
Along with pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid is frequently sent to the laboratory for biochemical analysis.


What is Peritoneal washing cytology?

Peritoneal washing cytology (PWC) was first described by Keettel and Elkins[2-4]in 1956 and has gained acceptance as a part of the surgical–pathologic evaluation of gynecologic malignancy.
Creasman and Rutledgefound that PWC results correlated well with prognosis in ovarian, endometrial, and cervical malignancies.


What is the clinical utility of peritoneal fluid examination?

Along with pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid is frequently sent to the laboratory for biochemical analysis.
The clinical utility of pleural fluid examination has been reviewed and this article takes a similar approach to assess critically the usefulness of the analytes often requested in the investigation of peritoneal fluid. 2 .


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