Cintec plus cytology

  • How fast does cin3 progression to cancer?

    In one study, patients ages 20 to 24 years with CIN 3 were estimated to have a 0.5 percent progression rate to cancer in one year [25], which is substantially lower than the 10 percent per year risk for patients ≥80 years old..

  • What does reflex CINtec Plus mean?

    CINtec PLUS is a triage cytology test that helps stratify disease risk immediately, giving clinicians confidence when selecting the appropriate management for women at every level of risk..

  • What is CINtec plus cytology?

    The CINtec PLUS Cytology test is the only FDA approved triage test that uses dual biomarker technology to simultaneously detect p16 and Ki-67 in women with HPV-positive results..

  • What is HPV testing with cytology?

    The human papillomavirus (HPV) test checks cells for infection with high-risk HPV types that can cause cervical cancer.
    The Pap test (also called a Pap smear or cervical cytology) collects cervical cells so they can be checked for changes caused by HPV that may—if left untreated—turn into cervical cancer..

  • Which clinical trials assessed the CINtec plus cytology test?

    The regulatory decision was based on findings from the registrational IMPACT trial, for which publication of the full data is pending, according to Roche.
    In the trial, investigators examined the CINtec PLUS Cytology test as a triage tool in several screening scenarios among a population of over 35,000 women..

  • Which of the following is a benefit of using CINtec plus cytology in cervical cancer screening?

    The CINtec\xae PLUS test uses a dual immunostaining technique for detection of simultaneous p1.

    1. INK4a and Ki-67 expression in the exfoliated cervical epithelial cells.
    2. This dual immunostaining kit reportedly helps to improve the detection of pre-cancerous cervical lesions.

  • In one study, patients ages 20 to 24 years with CIN 3 were estimated to have a 0.5 percent progression rate to cancer in one year [25], which is substantially lower than the 10 percent per year risk for patients ≥80 years old.
  • The CINtec PLUS Cytology test is the only FDA approved triage test that uses dual biomarker technology to simultaneously detect p16 and Ki-67 in women with HPV-positive results.
  • The CINtec\xae PLUS test uses a dual immunostaining technique for detection of simultaneous p1.
    1. INK4a and Ki-67 expression in the exfoliated cervical epithelial cells.
    2. This dual immunostaining kit reportedly helps to improve the detection of pre-cancerous cervical lesions.
CINtec® PLUS Cytology is a triage test for cervical cancer screening, and the only test that uses dual-biomarker technology to simultaneously detect p16 and Ki- 
The CINtec® PLUS Cytology test is a qualitative immunocytochemical assay intended for the simultaneous detection of the p16INK4a and Ki-67 proteins in cervical specimens collected by a clinician using an endocervical brush/spatula or broom collection device and placed in the ThinPrep® Pap Test PreservCyt® Solution.

Can a Cintec plus cytology test detect HPV-positive cervical cancer?

"As a triage test for HPV-positive cervical cancer screening results, the CINtec PLUS Cytology testcan be very useful to differentiate women who will benefit most from immediate referral to colposcopy from those women who can be followed up with less invasive methods.” .


What is Cintec plus?

CINtec PLUS is a triage cytology test that helps stratify disease risk immediately, giving clinicians confidence when selecting the appropriate management for women at every level of risk.


What is Cintec ® histology?

CINtec ® Histology provides objectivity to diagnostic interpretation that helps all pathologists identify more cervical disease.
The CINtec® Histology test is the only p16 biomarker test CE marked and U.S. 510 (k) cleared for clinical use in the evaluation of cervical biopsy specimens.


What is the Cintec plus cytology test?

Prior to FDA approval for use in the US, the CINtec PLUS Cytology test, which runs on the BenchMark ULTRA IHC/ISH system, had been used as a triage test for HPV-positive results and mildly abnormal Pap cytology results in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia.


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