Gynae cytology report

  • How are Pap smear results reported?

    Pap smear results are reported as normal, abnormal, or unsatisfactory for evaluation.
    A normal, also called negative, Pap smear result indicates that no evidence of abnormal cells were found in the sample..

  • What is gynecologic cytology report?

    Gynecological cytology, also known as PAP test, involves observing a cervical sample under a microscope in order to screen for a cancer or lesions that may develop into cervical cancer..

What is a cytology report?

Cytology reports may be the format through which pathologists record pathologist-procured FNA clinic visits and are often the only record of immediate microscopic evaluation of a cytologic specimen for adequacy.


What is gynecologic cytopathology?

Gynecologic cytopathology is a subset of cytopathology.
Gynecologic usually refers to Pap test specimens, i.e. uterine cervix, vaginal vault; other gynecologic specimens are considered non-gynecologic .
This article deals only with cervical cytopathology.
An introduction to cytopathology is in the cytopathology article.


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