Endoscan plus cytology brush

  • How do you use a cytology brush?

    Brushing specimens are collected by brushing the area of interest identified during the endoscope procedure and then by rolling the brush across the glass slide rapidly, pressing firmly in a small area in a circular motion.
    The slides must then be fixed immediately with a spray fixative..

NZ$46.43Cytology brush exclusively for clinical investigation and endocervical sampling. Head is able to "detach" if required by breaking 2cm below brush head on theĀ 

How do I detach my endoscan cytology brush?

Head is able to "detach" if required by breaking 2cm below brush head on the stem, once sample has been taken.
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Endoscan Cytology Brush 10 Packets of 10.


What are endoscopic cytology brushes used for?

The endoscopic cytology brushes are clinically used to brush cell samples.
The endoscopic cytology brushes is suitable for taking respiratory and digestive tract tissue ..


What is brush cytology in gastrointestinal neoplasms?

1 Department of Pathology, SGT Medical College & University, Gurugram, Haryana, India.
The advent of endoscopy and endoscopic biopsy has greatly facilitated the detection and diagnosis of gastrointestinal neoplasms.
Brush cytology often complements and increases the sensitivity and specificity of detection of GIT lesions in many ways.


Which cytology brush was used at ERCP?

The specimens were obtained at ERCP with a Cytomax2, single use, 8 french, 2.5 cm long double lumen Wilson-Cook cytology brush (#4900 Benthania, Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105).
Fluoroscopic guidance ensured that the brush was within the stricture.


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