Upmc cytology

Our cytopathologists are highly skilled in examining cells in liquid medium or aspirated from tissues. We use a wide variety of tests to produce detailed and 

Does UPMC offer lab services?

UPMC Lab Services Locations UPMC offers a range of lab services at more than 31 locations in Pennsylvania.
Below you will find a list of all locations.
UPMC offers same-day, early-morning, evening, and weekend appointments for your convenience.
Please call the specific sites for more information on scheduling or to make an appointment.


Our Services

UPMC pathologists offer comprehensive subspecialty consultations performed in state-of-the-art facilities in the following areas:.
1) Anatomic pathology.
2) Cytology.
3) Electron microscopy.
4) Immunohistochemistry.
5) Flow cytometry.
6) Image analysis.
7) Cytogenetics.
8) Molecular diagnostics


The UPMC Digital Pathology Consultation Portal

Now it’s easier than ever to send your slides electronically via a secure internet connection through the UPMC Digital Pathology Consultation Portal.
Receive rapid consultations with no mail, courier, or inconvenience required.
The digital portal gives you a valuable second opinion necessary to be accurate and efficient in both diagnosis and treatm.


What is a cytology test?

Cytology is the study of the body’s cells.
Cytology tests are tests that examine cells and cell groups for signs of cancer.
Here’s what you need to know about cytology tests.
What Kind of Cytology Test Will I Have? .


What is the UPMC Department of pathology known for?

The UPMC Department of Pathology is recognized internationally for its innovative approaches to providing accurate and timely diagnostic services in all facets of anatomic, clinical, and research pathology.
Anatomic Pathology and the Centers of Excellence.
Laboratory Medicine.


What services does UPMC offer?

UPMC pathologists offer comprehensive subspecialty consultations performed in state-of-the-art facilities in the following areas:

  1. UPMC offers two convenient ways to submit your case for consultation:
  2. through uploading digital images by using our new digital pathology consultation portal
  3. by submitting glass slides


Cervical cytology update courses
Cytology of upper gastrointestinal tract
Cytology is made up of
Cytology versus biopsy
Histopathology and cytology
Cytology versus cytogenetic
Cytopathology vs pathology
Cervical cytology versus
Microscopy vs cytology
Liquid based cytology vs colposcopy
Cytology vial
Liquid cytology vial
Thinprep® liquid cytology vial
Entire liquid cytology vial
Cytology with fish
Cytology with reflex
Cytology with hpv
Cytology with staining
Cytology with biopsy
Cytology with meaning