Cytology outlines

  • Cytology tests for cancer
    A Pap smear, which collects cells from the cervix, is one example.
    Removing spinal fluid by a lumbar puncture can provide cells for a cytology test.
    A cytology test is different from a biopsy.
    During a biopsy, tissue from a certain area of the body is removed and analyzed for cancer.
  • Pathology Outlines is a multi-authored online textbook covering a wide range of topics with macroscopic and microscopic pathology images.
This website is intended for pathologists and laboratory personnel but not for patients. We welcome suggestions or questions about using the website. However,  Breast > CytologyLiquid based cytologyInternational system for IHC panels

What are the different types of cervical cytology tests?

Specimen types include:

  1. exfoliated cervical cytology (Pap tests)
  2. urine
  3. body cavity fluids (pleural
  4. pericardial
  5. peritoneal)
  6. cerebrospinal fluid
  7. fine needle aspirations from any body site
  8. among others (see detail articles section )

These are often collected by minimally invasive means.

What does a cytology specimen look like?


  1. white holes

Air-drying may mimic the appearance of nuclear pseudoinclusions.
Cells tend to be larger than on Pap stain.
Standards are lacking for most types of specimens.
A generally accepted standard is established only for cervical cytology specimens.

Where can I get a cytopathology test?

Cytopathology Institute Duesseldorf.
Cytopathology test (
BC cancer agency quiz (


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Cytology pap stain
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