Cytology pap smear - lbc

  • What is the LBC test for Pap smear?

    LBC Test is done for detection of cervical cancer and early cancerous changes in the cervix.
    It also additionally detects any infections of cervix.
    The test is usually done between 25 to 65 years every three or five years as per the doctor's recommendation..

  • LBC testing is also called ThinPrep.
    It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 and is now the main method of checking for cervical cancer.
    The LBC test can detect both low-grade cervical alterations and high-risk HPV.
    The traditional Pap smear is more invasive and less reliable than this test.
  • These two methods are different in their principle but produce similar preparations.
    In LBC, samples are collected by completely immersing the sampling device into the company vial containing preservative fluid [Figure 1] unlike conventional smears where the sample is smeared on the slide and fixed separately.
Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is a cervical cancer screening technique that inspects cells by dissolving them in liquid. This method is less invasive than the conventional Pap smear test. The LBC test is also known as ThinPrep.


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