Statistical methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of

  • Are statistical methods dangerous in the hands of unqualified person?

    Statistical methods require a certain level of expertise to be properly applied.
    An unqualified person may misinterpret the data and reach faulty conclusions.
    This can lead to inappropriate decisions being made or false claims being made..

  • Are statistical methods most dangerous tool in the hands of expert?

    Answer and Explanation:
    According to Yule and Kendall, Statistical methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert. ", this is because false data can be actually proved as a fact when misuse..

  • What are the statistical tools and techniques used for data analysis?

    Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarizes data using indexes such as mean and median and another is inferential statistics, which draw conclusions from data using statistical tests such as student's t-test..

  • Why it is said that statistics is the most dangerous tool in the hands of an unskilled person?

    Statistics can't and should not be used by raw hands.
    This will give rise to distrust, misleading, results lies, distorted picture of the facts; because those who do not have special knowledge of statistical methods can't make sensible use of statistics thus leading to dangerous consequences..

  • Statistical tools in research can help researchers understand what to do with data and how to interpret the results, making this process as easy as possible.
    They can manage large data sets, making data processing more convenient.
Answer and Explanation: According to Yule and Kendall, Statistical methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert. ", this is because false data can be actually proved as a fact when misuse.
The statistical methods are the dangerous weapons in the hands of unqualified person because the results related to the statistical methods can only be inferred in their true sense, which is possible only by the experts.

Can statistics table be misused?

Statistics table may be misused:

  1. Statistics must be used only by experts; otherwise
  2. statistical methods are the most dangerous tools on the hands of the inexpert

The use of statistical tools by the inexperienced and untrained persons might lead to wrong conclusions. 4.

What are the risks associated with hand tools?

The major risks associated with hand tools are punctures and lacerations, repetitive stress and blunt trauma.
For a helpful breakdown of workplace hazards and their impacts, the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics has an online tool that compiles Occupational Injuries/Illnesses and Fatal Injuries Profiles.


Statistical methods are
Statistical methods are not suited to study
Statistical methods are used to analyze qualitative data
Statistical methods are not necessary in
Statistical methods are also known as
Statistical forecasting methods are generally categorized as
Statistical analysis benefits
Statistical census methods
Statistical analysis certification
Statistical analysis center
Statistical analysis center delaware
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Statistical analysis census data
Statistical census analysis
Statistical cell analysis
Statistical methods description
Statistical methods describe
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Statistical method decomposition
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