Sociology of demographic characteristics

  • What are the 5 characteristics of demographics?

    basic demographic characteristics – the demographic characteristics of the sample are presented in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and EFU composition, number of children, educational attainment, source of income, and socio-economic status..

  • What are the characteristics of a demographic group?

    A demographic group may be defined as a subset of the general population, and refers to the group's age, gender, occupation, nationality, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc.
    Individuals may belong to several demographic groups (e.g., an American who is a librarian; a computer engineer who is also a knitter)..

  • What are the characteristics of demographics in sociology?

    Various factors create the demographic structure of society, such as age, gender and sex, race and ethnicity, and regional subgroups.
    Most of these demographic factors are emphasized by culturally-defined dress and behavior patterns.
    Age is a critical factor in determining how someone is treated in a society.Nov 19, 2015.

  • What is demographic factors in sociology?

    Demographic analysis is the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex.
    Demographic data refers to socioeconomic information expressed statistically, including employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth and death rates, and more..

  • What is sociology of demography?

    Demographers in the field of sociology carry out research on varied aspects of population composition, distribution, and change.
    Substantive areas of inquiry include families and children, health disparities, poverty, immigration, and neighborhood change..

  • Sociodemographic characteristics include, for example, age, sex, education, migration background and ethnicity, religious affiliation, marital status, household, employment, and income.
Apr 23, 2021Age and gender are the two main ways we categorize people: a teenaged boy, an elderly lady, a middle-aged man; a young mother. There are several  AgeGenderRace, Ethnicity, and CultureRegion
Feb 19, 2021The first demographic characteristic is age. In American culture, we have traditionally ascribed certain roles, behaviors, motivations,  AgeGenderRace, Ethnicity, and CultureRegion
Various factors create the demographic structure of society, such as age, gender and sex, race and ethnicity, and regional subgroups. Most of these demographic factors are emphasized by culturally-defined dress and behavior patterns. Age is a critical factor in determining how someone is treated in a society.

What is social demography?

Its major focus is the impact of social and cultural factors on demographic features of society, such as:

  1. patterns of marriage and childbearing
  2. the age-structure of the population
  3. life-expectancy
  4. so forth

In addition, however, social demography also encompasses examination of the social consequences of demographic change.

Why is demography a unique discipline?

The justification for demography as a unique discipline stems partly from the scope and intensity of concern with popu- 364 / Social Forces Volume 61:2, December 1982 lation and partly from the fact that other disciplines treat population as peripheral to their central focus.


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