Demography course

  • What are the methods of studying demography?

    What are Demographic Methods? Demographic methods use data such as annual totals of births and deaths, and an estimate of initial population size, to infer refined demographic statisticsā€”life expectancy, gross and net reproduction ratios, and even population age structures..

  • What do you learn from demography?

    Demography is the science of populations.
    Demographers seek to understand population dynamics by investigating three main demographic processes: birth, migration, and aging (including death)..

  • What is demography as a course?

    Demography is the study of human populations, their size, density and distribution.
    Discover how to gather and analyse demographic data and population change on our MSc Demography degree..

This course provides an accessible introduction to the social science of demography. The course is organized around cases in which population issues raiseĀ 

What do students learn in a demography course?

Through these cases, students will learn how demographers use models and data to acquire knowledge about population

Throughout the course, students will also learn to read, interpret, evaluate, and produce tabular and graphical representations of population data

What does the demographics course cover?

The course covers basic measures of mortality, fertility and migration; life table construction; multiple decrement life tables; stable populations; population projections; and age patterns of vital events

Students will learn to apply demographic methods through a series of weekly problem sets

What is geography and demography?

Geography, and Demography

This module is intended to assist you in your understanding about the society and its different field of studies such as the pure social sciences and applied social sciences

These set of materials will help you:


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